• Completely useless plugin. Only includes posts and pages into the RSS feed. For custom post types you have to pay $10. If you plan to make money with your plugins, please say so in the description so people don’t waste their time.

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  • Plugin Author Marios Alexandrou


    The pro functionality is called out in the description right under “The pro version…”

    Or are you referring to a description other than what appears on the plugin description page?

    Thread Starter thaikolja


    The disregard that part. It’s still a annoying and a waste of time.

    Plugin Author Marios Alexandrou


    A lot of people have found it useful to include pages in their RSS feeds which is not a built-in feature of WordPress. I find it useful myself.

    I think your assessment is a bit harsh, but you are, of course, entitled to your opinion.

    Thread Starter thaikolja


    Yes, it is a bit harsh, I’m sorry for that, but I’m really fed up with plugins that try to charge for the simpliest features. The plugin repository on www.ads-software.com is meant to be open-source; if you want to make money with your plugins, go sell them on ThemeForest or similar sites.

    Plugin Author Marios Alexandrou


    Yes, there are some debates about free and premium plugins. I don’t have any new arguments to add to what’s already been said by both sides.

    But in this case the free functionality is of sufficient interest that 30,000 users continue to use it so I don’t think “completely useless” is fair. Adding pages to RSS feeds is of value to some people and while it may not be of use to you, a harsh rating such as yours doesn’t tell the full story and may steer someone away from useful (to them) functionality.

    I’m guessing you wouldn’t like someone leaving a review of one of your plugins that works perfectly fine, but doesn’t do anything that’s useful specifically for them.

    Thread Starter thaikolja


    No, of course not. But then again if I make a plugin that annoys users and tries to squeeze money out of them for even the most basic functions, I probably deserve it.

    Plugin Author Marios Alexandrou


    Thank you for taking the time to expand on the reasoning behind your rating. That will hopefully help some with deciding which plugin is right for them. Take care.

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