Complianz and WMPL translation
The text in the cookie banner on the English home page is still in Dutch, but it does seem to recognize it is an English page, because the link to the privacy policy at the bottom of the banner is the link to English privacy policy?
Edit: I have translated 23 strings in WMPL string translation
This topic was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
This topic was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by
Hoi @cwigbelsnllab,
Your WP default language is Dutch as well? And the Cookie Banner, is this in Dutch by default as well? (the strings under Cookie Banner settings)?
Please check under String Translation if the Banner strings are correctly categorized per language. It might be mixed for example. Removing these strings, then resaving the banner should work.
regards Aert
Hi Aert,
Yes, default language is Dutch.
It is translating the strings correctly, but the welcome text and buttons are displayed in Dutch and I don’t have those texts available in string translations?
Hi @cwigbelsnllab,
Navigating to Complianz > Cookie Banner and saving your settings once will result in these strings being added to WPML > String Translations, where you can proceed to add translations for each of them.
Kind regards, Jarno
Thanks Jarno,
I’ve deleted the old strings in WMPL/String translations and saved Complianz/Cookie Banner. This adds the strings to String Translations, as you said.
But the strings are in Dutch, marked as English. So I changed the language of the strings to Dutch and provided the English translation (for message_optout) but Home – NL-Lab still displays the text in Dutch?
The explanation text for the three types of cookies and View/Safe preferences are translated, but Accept and Deny buttons are still in Dutch
This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by
Hi @cwigbelsnllab,
I would recommend navigating to Complianz > Cookie Banner and clicking “Reset to default settings” once, to reset the Cookie Banner texts to their English defaults.
As you had already changed the “language of the strings” in WPML, you will likely need to select these strings once more under WPML String Translation and set them back to “English”.
After doing so, these should now appear as “English” strings in WPML, as well as that they should now contain the original English text.
Kind regards, Jarno
Hi Jarno,
I’ve tried this and updated Complianz to the latest version and then I got a error code 500 on every page but the homepage. I then deleted the Complianz plugin all together, but I still get the error 500. It could be a coincidence and unrelated to the Complianz plugin, but any idea if it is related, what the problem is and how to fix it?
Edit: I just reinstalled Complianz, but still get the 500 error code.
Second edit, WP site diagnosis says:
The REST API saw an unexpected error resultPerformance
The REST API is a way WordPress and other applications communicate with the server. For example, the block editor screen relies on the REST API to display and store your posts and pages.
Testing the REST API returned an unexpected result:
REST API end point:
REST API reaction: (500) Internal Server Error-
This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by
This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by
Turning off Complianz, Smush and Yoast has fixed the code 500, unclear to me what the problem is exactly, will have my web developer delve into it.
Hi @cwigbelsnllab,
After receiving a “500 Internal Server Error”, the server error logs will usually help you determine exactly what the server was trying to do when the issue started to occur.
As disabling/deleting Complianz didn’t solve the issue, perhaps one of the other plugins you disabled could be related?
Let me know if we can assist in any way.
Kind regards, Jarno
Error 500 code is gone, but it’s still a bit unclear what caused it, but I’m back to where I started:
In WMPL String Translations the Complianz strings are marked English, but texts are in Dutch
I go to Complianz Cookie Banner and click Reset to default settings
In WMPL String Translations the strings are marked English, but the text is still in Dutch, expect for cookie_retention, cookie_purpose, service_type they are in German (Which is the third language of the site, currently turned off).Edit: Screenshot
As you can see in the screenshot, the menu says (22) strings, but only shows 10.
This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by
This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by
Hi @cwigbelsnllab,
As far as I understand it now, your WordPress Site Language is set to Dutch, so I would also expect the strings to be registered in Dutch under String Translation in WPML.
If they are marked as English in WPML while your Site Language is Dutch, use the WPML option “Change language of selected strings” and set them to Dutch instead.
And then you’ll be able to add their English variants as translations.
Kind regards, Jarno
Hi Jarno,
Yes, so I set them to Dutch, reset to default settings, but cookie_retention, cookie_purpose, service_type texts are still in German (marked as Dutch).
Furthermore, as my original problem/post, the welcome text isn’t there in string translations (and when it was there in the past it didn’t display the translation on English pages of the site). Complianz does recognize it’s an English page, because it does say “Privacy declaration” at the bottom in English (while on the Dutch pages it’s correctly in Dutch).
Edit: Screenshot settings (English translations added)
Screenshot of current mix of Dutch and English texts on English page-
This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by
Hi @cwigbelsnllab,
Om eerlijk te zijn is er nu wel teveel gewijzigd in strings and translations dat het geen zin heeft om door te gaan om dezelfde voet.
Complianz zorgt voor vertaalbare strings, hoe het wordt opgepakt door WPML en andere is gebaseerd om de configuratie in WPML, niet in Complianz.
Het beste is om nu overnieuw te beginnen. Alle strings verwijderen uit de database (via WPML) en de Complianz banner opslaan in de default language. Dat betekent dat Complianz’ banner onder Settings ook in het Nederlands staat en deze als ‘Nederlands’ onder string translation komt te staan.
Als dit niet gebeurt, dan kunnen we weinig betekenen anders samen proberen naar een oplossing te zoeken, vanuit Complianz kunnen we code technisch niks doen.
groet Aert
Hallo Aert,
Dank je, ik snap dat bij de samenwerking van WP plugins het soms lastig is te achterhalen waar precies het probleem zit. Ik laat nog even iemand anders er naar kijken en als die er ook niet uitkomt dan ga ik op zoek naar een alternatief voor Complianz,
This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by
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