• When someone gives a compliment to another person it displays in the activity stream as person A has sent or received a compliment from person B.
    However, if you click on it in the activity link, it takes you to the persons page and displays ‘sorry, no compliments just yet’.
    However, the compliment does appear if you go to compliments on the persons profile

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  • Thread Starter jmichaelp


    No solution suggested for this?



    Hi there,


    I missed this thread. Have you enabled any privacy settings?

    Thread Starter jmichaelp


    No, just a standard install on default settings




    Just got back to my work.

    You are the only one who is having this problems.

    Can you post the steps to reproduce this issue?

    PS: Just make sure that user has not set the following setting to “Nobody”

    BuddyPress profile > settings tab > compliments > Who can see your compliment page?

    Thread Starter jmichaelp


    Compliments are set to be seen by everyone.
    In the activity stream it will show “user has received a compliment from user”
    When you click on the link to view the compliment it takes you to the users profile where on the page it states “sorry, no compliments just yet”
    However, if you click on the compliments link in the users profile, the compliments page loads and it then shows the compliments that the user has.
    This can be replicated at all times and happens with every user.



    Hi mate,

    Few more follow up questions

    1) Are you talking about site wide activity or member activity?

    2) What theme you are using?

    3) What is the value set in BuddyPress Compliments setting page for this option.

    Who can see other members compliments page?

    4) “Let members take care of this setting” value selected, what is the value selected for this setting in RECEIVER’S settings page.

    Login as receiver before visiting this page

    BuddyPress profile > settings tab > compliments > Who can see your compliment page?

    5) When you see “sorry, no compliments just yet” page, what is the url structure look like?

    Does it look like https://yourdomain.com/members/user/compliments/?c_id=xx ?


    Thread Starter jmichaelp


    To answer your questions:
    1. This occurs on the site wide activity page.
    2. I am using the Socalize theme, although this also happens with the twenty sixteen theme as well.
    3. This is set to ‘let members take care of this setting’. However I have adjusted this to all of the settings and tested it with the same results.
    4. Logged in as receiver and set who can see your compliment page to anybody, the same result still happens.
    5. Yes the link/URL does appear in that format.

    At the present time I have just turned off the ‘enable activity component for compliments’ as a workaround.



    Hi there,

    You got me in a box here.

    Unless you give me FTP credentials to check whats wrong, I can’t help you much since you have setup everything properly.

    The problem is I don’t see any problem in my test site when I have the above mentioned config.

    This is the line supposed to hit in your case.


    But it hits the else part.


    If you need my help, you can always setup a test site, replicate the problem and then give me FTP credentials. Else you are on your own. Sorry about that.


    Thread Starter jmichaelp


    Will be working on setting up a test site to see if I can replicate the issue.
    In the mean time I have found that the notifications link regarding new compliments also does not appear to work.
    When clicking on the notification link about a new compliment, the page that loads states: “Aw, you have no Compliment yet. To get some try sending Compliment to others.” But again, if you click compliments in the users profile, they will load and show the new one.



    Yes please create a test site. That would be easier for me to debug.


    Thread Starter jmichaelp


    I have created a test site on the same server and have encountered no issues.
    On the site in question I have disabled all plugins but buddypress and the compliments plugin and I am still having this issue so I am at a loss as to what could be causing it



    Maybe your theme?

    Try switching the theme.

    Thread Starter jmichaelp


    Having the same issue with the twenty sixteen theme also



    If you have only Buddypress and BP Compliments enabled and you still have problem after switching the theme, then you have problem with your db.

    I can’t help you in this case.

    Sorry about that.

    Thread Starter jmichaelp


    Is there a suggested way to remove all traces of compliments from the install, including from the database?

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