Hi revjgc,
Do you mind me asking if you have any suggestions on improving the front-end appearance?
3.0.0 marked a big step in improving that aspect of the plug-in with the ‘theme compatibility’ mode, but ultimately this comes down to the philosophy of the plug-in: should the front-end appearance be governed by the plug-in or theme?
There is no simple answer to this, but Event Organiser has always been slightly geared towards developers. It tries to be minimal on the front with the view that the the website owner/developer can easily adapt it to closely integrate it with their theme, creating a look which is personal to their site.
Counter to this is the notation that plug-ins should impose their intended front-end view on the theme. This is usually great for users with little or no development experience: you plug and play. It’s not so great to developers: such plug-ins are necessarily front-end heavy (they load a lot of resources which leads to a degradation of performance, particularly over mobile networks). Over-riding the plug-in’s appearance can also often be difficult.
As mentioned, Event Organiser has always been in the former camp, but 3.0.0 did mark an improvement with how the plug-in looks ‘out of the box’, while keeping any front-end impact as light as possible.
That said, this is always a working progress, so I would welcome any suggestions you have for improvements.