Hey @mylu – We currently offer support in English. For now, I’ll be replying in English. Feel free to continue in English, or you can continue responding in your preferred language, and I will translate your message into Google Translate if you’d like. In the same way, you can also use Google Translate to translate my message into your preferred language.
It appears the Jetpack connection for your site is not good at the moment, which might be the reason for the difference in numbers.
While your site is publicly accessible, and the XML-RPC file is also working: https://example.com/xmlrpc.php, but for some reason, Jetpack is not able to make XML-RPC requests on your site. This file is used by Jetpack and other plugins and apps to connect to your site. If you want to know details about XML-RPC and how it helps Jetpack, you can check our detailed guide here:
We have a tool that we use to see how the XML-RPC requests are handled by your server.
When I entered your site there, I found your hosting provider is intermittently not responding correctly. If you also enter the site address there, you will see there is “508 Loop Detected” which means that your hosting provider server is temporarily unable to handle the request and has detected an infinite loop while processing a request.
If you will see, there is also a “200 OK” response, and this is the ideal response we need for all requests.
Can you please contact your hosting provider and check if they are blocking access to this file for Jetpack? Also, please find the IP ranges for the connection between your site and Jetpack/WordPress.com here, and ask them to whitelist them for HTTP connections on your site:
Let me know how it goes!