• Resolved plue



    I no think I have most things sorted out, but now I got another warning saying that I dont have condition set in some products. I have that set on all products.

    What I have noticed is that all warnings are warnings on variable products, for instance different sizes. All products without variations are fine.

    “This option will fix WooCommerce’s (JSON-LD) structured data bug” is activated
    “Include products variantions” is active

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  • Hi plue,

    The plugin is assuming all products (including the variable ones) are ‘new’ unless you have explicitly configured them differently. Our plugin also allows you to add an extra field in which you can indicate the condition of your product, when you are using that field you need to make sure you map Google’s condition field to the ‘woosea condition’ field. There is one pitfall though, when you are using this extra field you do have to make sure all variable products have a filled in condition.

    Hope this makes sense?


    Thread Starter plue


    Yes it does. Thats why I went through all products adding new to them..

    However, I have mapped the condition to woosea and I have added “new” to all products, even variations….

    The explaination from google “add structured data to the target page”. However all pages look the same and only variation-products gets the warning… Do you understand what I mean?

    Best regards

    Hi Joakim,

    Are you getting a warning that condition is missing in the product feed or on the landing page?

    Could you copy/paste the warning you are getting?


    Thread Starter plue


    It is in swedish so I have to translate

    The warning in merchant:
    Data saknas eller ?r ogiltig [skick]
    “Data missing or invalid [condition]”

    When hoverinf with mouse over the questionmark beside it to get more info:
    L?gg till giltig m?rkning av strukturerad data p? m?lsidan
    “Add valid marking of structured data on the target page”

    Reading futher it sais that microdata is missing on the target page…
    Still only happening for products with variations…

    Weird, but would be lovey to solve.

    Hi Joakim,

    Could you give me the URL of one of your variant products for which you are sure you filled in the condition in the back-end?


    Thread Starter plue


    f course

    This is one that warns:

    This is one that doesnt warn:

    Best regards

    Hi Joakim,

    When I run both URL’s through Google’s structured data testing tool both URL’s do not have the condition field filled in. See for example: https://search.google.com/structured-data/testing-tool#url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.sportaid.se%2Fprodukt%2Frehband-axelskydd-x-stabil%2F

    Now this could mean a couple of things:
    – you did not enable the structured data fix option of our plugin;
    – or you did not fill in the ‘condition’ field our plugin ad’s for your products (which it uses for the structured data fix)
    – or you did not map the condition field to the woosea_condition attribute.

    Could it be any one of the above three?

    All the best,

    Thread Starter plue


    Nope, sorry.. I have one filter that i have set saying empty product names should be excluded. If I dont i get +200 warnings..


    Hmm I have one idea that maybe you could confirm or something. I have set the condition in the variations, but since the product name is empty in variations, they are excluded?

    Thread Starter plue



    I might have solved the problem. When you have both variation-products and non-variation products it seems it only looks at the condition for the non-variation products.

    Product with variations:

    Product without variations:

    Same feed, same rule (if product name is empty, exclude)

    A bug?

    Best regards

    Thread Starter plue



    Hi Joakim,

    I tried replicating the issue at hand. I have put the condition on refurbished for a variation product like this:

    Which than shows in the product feed like this:

    So, that seems to be working just fine.

    Are you sure you mapped the condition attribute like this?

    All the best,

    Thread Starter plue



    I am sure

    Did you try on a site that has both variations and non variation products?
    My non-variation works just fine, but the ones that are with variations doesnt work.

    I have one filter and that is that when productnames are empty that they will not be included. Coulddl lthat be the thing? Did you try that?


    Thread Starter plue


    o so I changed to refurbished now on one item and i google merchant it says refurbished, but still a warning that condition is not set and when i try the data-tool the condition is nowehere to be found.

    Mind you this has just to do with products with variations

    Thread Starter plue


    My variations have:
    “Any of the sizes” and then all the sizes are listed under that so the condition part i set in “any of the sizes”

    We have tried on a woocommerce store that has both simple and variant products which works just fine.

    Could you go to the “Manage feeds” page and add this to your URL &debug=true

    Your URL should look something like this now:

    On the screen you should now see a box with a red line on the left side. Could you copy / past the content of that box and e-mail it to me at [email protected]

    It will help me to understand how exactly you have configured your product feed.


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