Conditional field not working
* The version of WooCommerce Checkout Manager – Version 4.2.4
* The version of WooCommerce – Version 3.5.3
* The version of WordPress – 5.0.3
* Include any PHP errors/warnings/notices (strip out any personal server paths or identifying details, etc.) – None
* Be descriptive:-Requirement:-
I wanted to have a conditional field where if the user chooses shipping type as Pickup, it disables the required validation on Address, State, Zipcode on the checkout page.Steps Done:-
1. Created a Radio field in Additional and enabled Required checkbox and titled it as Shipping Type. With Pickup||Delivery as Options.
2. Under the Billing tab, I enabled Conditional checkboxes for Address, State, Zipcode
3. Under Conditional tab, I enabled checkboxes under Conditional for Address, State, Zipcode
4. Also, I enabled checkboxes under Conditional Parent for Address, State, Zipcode
5. I entered the field-name of Shipping Type (myfield1) in Conditional Tie for Address, State, ZipcodeWhat is happening:-
It is throwing the error messages such as “Billing State is a required field.” even when Pickup is chosen as the Shipping Type.
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