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  • I have the same question.

    Hi, i′ve the same problem. i don′t have idea how to configure conditional fields. is there any documentation?

    can i show a field depending of check another? i need to know…

    Please see the following duplicate Topic, had I seen this topic first I would have marked the other as resolved as the Topic title is more relevant. Please make responses on the below Topic.

    Here’s what I dug out from the WordPress Plugins archive:

    The conditional field works by entering a field as the parent field, then adding children to that field, so when the parent is selected, the children fields will show. This can help you create a tax field, asking if they are tax exempt and then a follow up field will show to enter the information.


    The conditional field works by entering a field as the parent field, then adding children to that field, so when the parent is selected, the children fields will show. This can help you create a tax field, asking if they are tax exempt and then a follow up field will show to enter the information.

    But it doesn’t work.

    max, correct. it doesn′t work. plugin is not showing children fields. any suggestion for the correct use?

    Tried a lot to get this working. I have an additional select field on the checkout and a child text field should appear based on the selection. In the settings I checked the child field as “Conditional” and the select field as the “Conditional Parent”. Next to “Conditional Parent” check is a field with greyed out text “Parent Abbr. Name” I tried putting the value from the select filed in there hoping the child field would show up based on this value. No good… Was wondering if the “Chosen Value” setting has something to do with it

    The logic for the conditional fields seems to be in add_functions.php, but it goes beyond my hacking capabilities.

    Hope anyone comes up with directions for proper use of the conditional fields.

    You can use the more toggle icon to view the Conditional check box ?? I found this by accident.


    Can you make the conditional field be conditional on a product category. For example, if customer purchases cat=”x” then it shows the conditional field?

    Hi twoartists, for this particular plugin it looks like you can only make the fields conditional based on another woocheckout parent field.

    volley, I think you are right. We need to check the child field as “Conditional” and the select field as the “Conditional Parent”. Next to “Conditional Parent” there is a field with greyed out text “Parent Abbr. Name”. I also tried putting the value from the select filed in there, but it didn’t work. In my opinion this field is there so that you can show the system which “Parent” is connected to which “Child” field/s. Because you might have several “Parent” fields and you need to tie them to the their children. So you can write whatever you want in this field and it will work if the text is the same in the parent and child.

    The question is – how do you tell the system when to show the child fields. If somebody has an idea, please share it.

    Can I make a field conditional to a specific shipping method?


    I’m looking for information about adding the field ColorPicker. Is it possible to make this a hex ColorPicker? I cannot find any information on this particular field option.

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