• When I select a field, the conditional logic no longer appears. This will come back if I deactivate the plugin ‘Gravity Forms Directory’. The problem is that I need both plugins.

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  • Yes, same exact issue here unfortunately.

    The hacky work around for this is to temporarily disable GF Directory, make your changes in the form editor, then reactivate.

    Same issue … and the “hacky work around” above does fix it, but it makes me wonder what other damage the directory plug-in is causing, so it’s now removed.

    Slightly more stable work around which prevents the plugin from altering the Edit Form screen, removing issues with compatibility with the new form editor:

    In the plugin directory, look for /includes/class-gf-directory-edit-form.php

    Comment out Line 3 like so:

    // add_action( 'init', array( 'GFDirectory_EditForm', 'initialize' ) );

    This keeps the frontend functionality operational though it may cause issues if you need to actively tweak the directory settings on the edit form screen.

    2 months and no answer from the plugin developer? Come on now, update your plugin or remove it if you don’t plan upkeep it.

    Pretty sure the developer is focusing on the paid version of this plugin “gravity view” much is much more functional and has a ton more features. I ended up biting the bullet and going with that after this plugin broke my whole site on the last update.

    This plugin was abandoned awhile back, then the dev returned and did a big upgrade and fixed things. That was about a year ago. They don’t respond to tickets here generally.

    It’s too bad because this plugin is a great freemium starting point for the GravityView premium plugin. I have used both. Unfortunately there is no way to pick up GV and transition your Directories over to that, you have to start from scratch.

    There are many changes to Gravity Forms over the last year, including a new form editor, and WP has changed quite a bit with the Block Editor. The underlying frontend functionality of this plugin works well, it seems to need attention on the form editor/admin side to get it back to working properly.



    I fixed this issue by going to includes\views\html-gf-tab-directory.php

    and cutting `</ul>

    from the top and pasting it at the end of the file.

    Thanks for sharing your fix @eliehanna !

    This along with a recent GF core update, which now flies out the conditional logic fields from the sidebar seems to have improved things.

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