• Resolved Mike Costanzo


    Hello there,

    I am writing to see if there is any way to add a conditional logic feature that would display different html content (added by the user) based on the total points scored. Ideally the point range would be determined by the user, as well as the number of {if:else} logic options. For example:

    0-7 points —> <display html content>
    8-14 points —> <display different html content>
    15-37 points —> <display completely different html content>

    One way to accomplish this would be to create a new template variable (such as %POINT_LOGIC%) that would call the Conditional Logic options specified by the user on some other part of the page. Of course, there may be better ways to do this, but if this feature is somehow possible I would love to make use of it.

    Thanks for considering this request!

    P.S. The quiz I’m working on is here: https://kathleennaltyconsulting.com/organizational-diversity-inclusion-assessment/. As you can see, the current Results page simply reports the user’s score and then gives them a paragraph-based answer key that they must use to interpret their score. A conditional logic option would allow us to display only relevant page content, which would be a great improvement!


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  • Greetings Mike Costanzo:

    Thank you for choosing to use this plugin. I think having a logic template variable to display different content based on scores would be handy. I will add it to the list of requested features for you.

    For your purposes though, could you create different results pages based on the scores which then has the different content in them?

    Thread Starter Mike Costanzo


    Thanks, Frank! I have to admit that I totally missed the existing feature of being able to display different results pages based on point score… If it was a snake, it would have bitten me!

    Anyway, I now have what I need, so I will mark this topic as resolved. Thanks for the response, and for the awesome plugin!

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