• Resolved johnklijnen


    I’m using terms like Limburg, Noord-Brabant etc. in the taxonomy called Region. I’m listing these terms with specific links. But I only want the links to show up if the term is active (Actually selected in the post). so far this is the code I’m using.

    <?php if (term_exists('limburg')): ?><a href="https://www.somedomain.com/?eventtype=sport&regio=limburg" title="Limburg">Limburg</a><?php endif; ?>
    <?php if (term_exists('noord-brabant')): ?><a href="https://www.somedomain.com/?eventtype=sport&regio=noord-brabant" title="Noord-Brabant">Noord-Brabant</a><?php endif; ?>

    The problem with “term_exist” is that it makes the link appear when the term is present but doesn’t check whether it has posts that use it. Anyone know how to solve this?

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  • Thread Starter johnklijnen


    Thanks alchymyth,
    I’m using a term within a taxonomy and not a tag (so the options with “tag” don’t do the trick).

    Or am I missing something?
    If I use “wp_list_categories( $args )” with the appropriate args it shows the regions that are “active”. like this:

    $taxonomy     = 'regio';
    $orderby      = 'name';
    $show_count   = 0;      // 1 for yes, 0 for no
    $pad_counts   = 0;      // 1 for yes, 0 for no
    $hierarchical = 1;      // 1 for yes, 0 for no
    $title        = '';
    $args = array(
      'taxonomy'     => $taxonomy,
      'orderby'      => $orderby,
      'show_count'   => $show_count,
      'pad_counts'   => $pad_counts,
      'hierarchical' => $hierarchical,
      'title_li'     => $title
    <?php wp_list_categories( $args ); ?>

    This is almost exactly what I’m looking for. The problem with this is that I can’t ad the custom link to it (I’m using “Query Multiple Taxonomies” plugin).

    I hope that I explained the problem better this way?

    Thanks in advance, John.

    not sure if this might work (custom taxonomy is quite new to me):


    <?php $post_terms = get_the_terms($post->ID, 'regio'); ?>
    <?php if ( in_array('limburg', $post_terms) ): ?><a href="https://www.somedomain.com/?eventtype=sport&regio=limburg" title="Limburg">Limburg</a><?php endif; ?>
    <?php if ( in_array('noord-brabant', $post_terms) ): ?><a href="https://www.somedomain.com/?eventtype=sport&regio=noord-brabant" title="Noord-Brabant">Noord-Brabant</a><?php endif; ?>
    Thread Starter johnklijnen


    And again thanks alchymyth.
    But it’s not working;-)
    It produces no results. I also tried this:

    <?php $regio = array('limburg', 'noord-brabant'); ?>
    <?php if ( in_array('limburg', $regio) ): ?><a href="https://www.somedomain.com/?eventtype=sport&regio=limburg" title="Limburg">Limburg</a><?php endif; ?>
    <?php if ( in_array('noord-brabant', $regio) ): ?><a href="https://www.somedomain.com/?eventtype=sport&regio=noord-brabant" title="Noord-Brabant">Noord-Brabant</a><?php endif; ?>

    It’s interesting but this means changing the array manually. If only I could change the array to automatically display the active terms! But I think I’m getting closer to a solution. Maybe someone knows the magical code?

    i tried it with just extracting the term slug from the get_the_terms() result – it looks quite complicated now, but seemed to work in my test setup:

    <?php $terms = array(' ');
    $post_terms = get_the_terms($post->ID, 'regio');
    if($post_terms) foreach( $post_terms as $post_term ) { $terms[] = $post_term->slug; } ?>
    <?php if ( in_array('limburg', $terms) ): ?><a href="https://www.somedomain.com/?eventtype=sport&regio=limburg" title="Limburg">Limburg</a><?php endif; ?>
    <?php if ( in_array('noord-brabant', $terms) ): ?><a href="https://www.somedomain.com/?eventtype=sport&regio=noord-brabant" title="Noord-Brabant">Noord-Brabant</a><?php endif; ?>
    Thread Starter johnklijnen


    Aah, yes!!!

    Thank you alchymyth! you are the best!

    A suggestion for getting an array of terms.

    $post_terms = wp_get_object_terms( $post->ID, 'regio', array( 'fields' => 'names' ) );

    You should get a flat array you can compare against with in_array this way and note, the array will hold the term “names” and not the “slugs”.

    Thread Starter johnklijnen


    Thank you Mark for your suggestion. Although I’m not sure where or how to use this:-(

    But a new problem has turned up. The solution from alchymyth works within a taxonomy and archive template. But I can’t seem to get it to work in a page template.
    And another problem is that if the resulting page has posts of both ‘regio’ it only shows the “regio” that all posts have in common. But it should show both ‘regio’ (e.g. ‘limburg’ and ‘noor-brabant’)
    I’m starting to believe that it has something to do with $post->ID. and that I should alter the array into something that does not need the post ID. But I’m not sure.

    Thread Starter johnklijnen


    Maybe I should explain it by showing the test site:

    If you click on the lower menu (just above the map) “Concerten” (taxonomy-eventtype-concerten.php) you wil see that only a link for ‘limburg’ shows up in the map. All 9 events are ‘limburg’. only one event is ‘noord-brabant’ and ‘limburg’. this is incorrect. It should show both.

    But if you click on “Theater” (taxonomy-eventtype-theater.php) you see that the map shows links for ‘noord-brabant’ and ‘limburg’. But here all 4 events are ‘limburg’ and only one is ‘noord-brabant’ and ‘limburg’. So here it’s correct.

    I’m pretty confused about this.

    Thread Starter johnklijnen


    I think I’ve got it:

    <?php $terms = array(' ');
    $post_terms = get_terms('regio');
    if($post_terms) foreach( $post_terms as $post_term ) { $terms[] = $post_term->slug; } ?>
    <?php if ( in_array('limburg', $terms) ): ?><a href="https://www.somedomain.com/?eventtype=sport&regio=limburg" title="Limburg">Limburg</a><?php endif; ?>
    <?php if ( in_array('noord-brabant', $terms) ): ?><a href="https://www.somedomain.com/?eventtype=sport&regio=noord-brabant" title="Noord-Brabant">Noord-Brabant</a><?php endif; ?>

    So I changed

    $post_terms = get_the_terms($post->ID, 'regio');


    $post_terms = get_terms('regio');

    I’m goiiing to test this further but this also it works in a page template!

    I don’t think you quite followed what i was suggesting before(no problem). My suggestion was to reduce the amount of code required to get the results you want.

    What i meant is simplifying the code using something like..

    // Get post term names as array(that's how this function will return the results)
    $post_terms = wp_get_object_terms( $post->ID, 'regio', array( 'fields' => 'names' ) );
    // If the result wasn't a WP_Error(happens when the taxonomy isn't found) and the result set is not empty(when the taxonomy exists but no terms found)
    if( !is_wp_error( $post_terms ) && ( !empty( $post_terms ) ) ) :
    	// If Limburg was in the results
    	if( in_array( 'Limburg', $post_terms ) )
    		echo '<a href="'. home_url( '?eventtype=sport&regio=limburg' ).'" title="Limburg">Limburg</a>';
    	// If Noord Brabant was in the results
    	if( in_array( 'Noord Brabant', $post_terms ) )
    		echo '<a href="'. home_url( '?eventtype=sport&regio=noord-brabant' ).'" title="Noord Brabant">Noord Brabant</a>';

    Again note, the array will hold term “names” not “slugs”.

    Thread Starter johnklijnen


    Yes the problem is solved: see the above post. Thanks alchymyth and Mark!

    No problem, i wanted to clarify anyway, just incase someone comes looking for something similar and stumbles onto this thread.. ??

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