• I keep getting this message:
    blockquoteWe’re having a little trouble selecting the proper database for WordPress.
    Are you sure it exists?
    Your database name is currently specified as myironyc_blog. Is this correct?
    On some systems the name of your database is prefixed with your username, so it would be like username_wordpress. Could that be the problem? /blockquote
    I’m sure that’s the name of the database. (And I’ve tried it without my username, just to be sure.) I’m in the middle of switching to a new hosting company, though. Could that be the problem–just wait for it to propagate before the install?

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  • Chutney,
    I think you gave yourself some good advice…wait for the new DNS to propagate and then go from there. It may be that your newhost might give you a new username anyway…let us know how it goes later!

    NM michel_v solved his problem on the IRC! ??

    That’s good to hear…now if you or Michel or Chutney would post the solution here, the rest of us would benefit from the information!

    well there apparently was no problem as such.
    michel_v ran the install script and it worked fine…… :=S

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