• Resolved Achim Hahn


    after using shield security (free) for a while without any problems, I lately encountered the following issue.
    Suddenly my site wasn’t accessible nor was my wp admin area.
    I deactivated all plugins via db (active plugins) and reactivated them one by one. So I found out, that shield security was causing the issue.
    Each time I activated shield security I had to reset the db again by deleting shield security from the table.
    I waited for some updates to fix the issue but they didn’t.
    As I just tried to activate shield security I got this message:

    Fatal error: Declaration of Carbon\Carbon::diffInDaysFiltered(Closure $callback, $date = null, $absolute = true) must be compatible with Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface::diffInDaysFiltered(callable $callback, ?Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt = null, $abs = true) in /www/htdocs/xxxxxxxx/gesundheit.viaraetica.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-simple-firewall/src/lib/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/Carbon.php on line 244

    What can I do to fix this? Do you need further information?

    Thanks and kind regards

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Jelena


    Hi Achim,

    Sorry to hear that…

    Whenever you can’t access your site as the result of Shield, for any reason, best is to use a forceoff method outlined here.

    You’re getting this error because there’s a plugin on your site using an older version of the PHP carbon library.

    We discussed this error here:

    The Carbon library that we’re using in Shield is fairly widely used and is likely used within another plugins. The version of the other plugin on your site is likely version 1.0 (deprecated and fairly old) and it’s conflicting with the version of Carbon within Shield (v2).

    We’ve switched to PHP 7.2 minimum and also with a view to support PHP 8.2+… this required us to upgrade several of our PHP libraries, one of which was Carbon (the other was Monolog).

    After numerous releases, we’ve made a significant change in how we load the Monolog library to prevent fatal errors, but this does mean that any sites with conflicting Monlog libraries will not be able to use Shield’s Activity Log or Traffic Log features. It was this, or allow sites to go offline with fatal errors.

    This same change we made with Monolog can’t be applied to Carbon as it’s too deeply integrated into Shield. This means that if you have a site throwing errors relating to Carbon, then you can either:

    1) Find and disable/replace the plugin with the conflicting Carbon library.

    2) Disable Shield until an alternative plugin can be found to replace the conflict. Contact the dev of the plugin and ask them if they’d consider moving to Carbon v2.

    3) Revert Shield to the 16.1.15 version
    But again, you’ll need to push the conflicting plugin devs to update their PHP carbon library. Once they do that, you can upgrade Shield to the latest version normally.

    4) Remove Shield

    We have little choice in this… in order to keep up with the changing PHP developments, we have to keep our libraries current. And this means that eventually there’s going to be a conflict somewhere. It’s better to support upcoming PHP versions such as 8.2 and above than to be permanently stuck with old and deprecated libraries. Not an easy choice…

    Hope you find this helpful…

    Thread Starter Achim Hahn


    Hello Jelena,
    thank you for your quick reply!
    I prefer steps 1 and 2. ??
    I’ll let you know, which plugin was the “culprit”.
    Kind regards

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Achim Hahn.
    Thread Starter Achim Hahn


    Hello Jelena,
    could the following be an indication of the other plugin:
    found here: “…\wp-content\plugins\simply-schedule-appointments\vendor\cakephp\chronos\src\carbon_compat.php”

    * Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (https://cakefoundation.org)
    * Licensed under The MIT License
    * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
    * @copyright Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (https://cakefoundation.org)
    * @copyright Copyright (c) Brian Nesbitt [email protected]
    * @link https://cakephp.org CakePHP(tm) Project
    * @license https://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT License
    define(‘CHRONOS_SUPPORTS_MICROSECONDS’, version_compare(PHP_VERSION, ‘7.1.0’, ‘>=’));

    if (!class_exists(‘Carbon\Carbon’)) {
    // Create class aliases for Carbon so applications
    // can upgrade more easily.
    class_alias(‘Cake\Chronos\Chronos’, ‘Carbon\MutableDateTime’);
    class_alias(‘Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface’, ‘Carbon\CarbonInterface’);

    Kind regards

    Plugin Support Jelena


    Hi Achim,

    It could be, yes. Especially because we already know that Simply Schedule Appointments is conflicting.

    If you have this plugin on your site, you can temp disable it but keep Shield enabled and test. If the error is gone, this is confirmation that that’s the plugin you’re looking for.

    Also, regarding Simply Schedule Appointments, It looks that their squad is on it. We’ve received an update from one of the Shield members:

    I have heard directly from the developer of Simply Schedule Appointments have updated their code to support the conflicting library. The fix will be out within the next week or two weeks. In the meantime, people can download the beta version if they want to try it out.

    Regards and about the quick reply, no problem at all. ??


    Thread Starter Achim Hahn


    Thanks a lot for the information, Jelena!
    Have a great weekend!

    Kind regards

    Plugin Support Jelena


    No problem, Achim. Happy to help.

    Have a marvelous weekend too!

    Thread Starter Achim Hahn


    Hello Jelena,
    I deactivated SSA, installed bookly instead and shield security is working fine again. ??
    Now there’s just a notification regarding monolog with matomo. But that’s not critical.

    Kind regards

    Plugin Support Jelena


    Thanks for the update. Much appreciated.

    Cheers! ??


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