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  • I haven’t used polylang, but am slightly familiar with other multi-language plugins.

    You didn’t provide an example page, so I can’t really see what is happening. If you hover your moues over the link to the download, does it display the URL in the bottom of the browser or does it look empty? (or, alternatively, View Source and go find that link & see if the href points at an actual URL or if it is empty.

    If it is not empty & it’s pointing back at your system to like the EBD plugin directory with a bunch of random characters on the end of if it’s pointing at something like /download/34 or /download/28 or something like that, then we know the URL did make it into the page from the ajax POST that you did when you hit the submit button. That means that something is interfering when you click the link (more likely), or the link is there but the file is somehow missing (unlikely). If this is roughly what happens, then I suspect polylang is interfering when you click the link and putting you back at the homepage. I saw a couple of posts on their support page where polylang redirected people to the homepage in some other cases where people clicked on things.

    On the other hand, if the URL on the page is empty or it actually points at the homepage when you hover over the download link to the PDF, then we know that polylang probably interfered with the ajax submit/result, or it somehow messed with Download Monitor.

    It’s pretty impossible for me to say without trying out the page. Also you putting in here what your EBD shortcode was. Also, I’m fairly certain EBD can have trouble with certain foreign characters of filenames or titles of files that uploaded into Download Monitor. Therefore, you need to be testing using very simple english filenames & file titles only, in order to eliminate that potential source of problems.

    All that said, I think it’s pretty unlikely that you’re going to get this to work the way you want. For one, EBD does not have any country files (it’s not set up for translation) and it has some static text in the PHP code. Polylang is not going to be able to intercede and change those messages from english to french (or whatever). You could directly edit the email-before-download.php file & set it up for translation and then you could use Loco Translate perhaps, but that’s a lot of work.

    Additionally, EBD stores information about the files in the database. I suspect you are going to run into trouble due to that. Also, depending on settings, EBD may directly pull files by opening them off the filesystem, but in other cases it may do a Location: for the file (a redirect). There is the Force Download setting in Download Monitor for a file (and that’s also an optional attribute in the EBD shortcode). You may have to test with that turned on & off and see if maybe one way will work. Another possibility is to use the file=”someurl” attribute in the EBD shortcode, which is normally use for remote files (URLs to files on another webserver .. files you did not upload into Download Monitor). I don’t know if that might be a way to make things work, but you might try that as a last resort.

    Because EBD fires off shortcodes for Download Monitor & for Contact Form 7 within its PHP code, that seems like another area that might break things. Also, EBD uses Ajax and DOM manipulation and string replacing on the page,all of which seem like possible problems for polylang. But, who knows, maybe none of that will matter and you can get it working…. seems like a longshot though.

    I’m having the same problem on my site using Polylang and EBD. With Polylang activated, the download links don’t work and I’m redirected to a page telling me that the download cannot be found. When I add either a /en or /de (english or german) to the url on that page, the download works. I’m not a strong programmer so I’m not sure what I would need to do for the site to know to navigate to the url with the language tag included. I’ve tried setting the endpoint to en/download in Download Monitor settings but I get the same result. I’ve also tried tinkering with the settings of Polylang and Download Monitor including allowing Force Download without success. I’ve also uploaded all the files via the WP Media Uploader and inserted the url into Download Monitor manually but without success.

    I doubt that I can help you with that problem. You could pay the $10 to M&S Consulting (the plugin authors), though I doubt that they could help either.

    One thing you might try is to focus is on the Download Monitor part and ignore EBD for the moment. First, see if you can get Download Monitor working with Polylang. That may not lead to a solution, but it might lend more info that might help uncover a way to make it work.

    In Download Monitor — when you look at the Downloads in your WordPress admin section — you will see the file or files you uploaded. Click one of those to go into the detail screen of that download. In the upper-right area of that screen there will be a URL. That URL is the URL that leads directly to the download file. You should be able to copy that URL and paste t into a browser, hit enter, and it should go to or download that file. If that doesn’t work, then Download Monitor isn’t working right (with polylang). Be sure and put the endpoint back like it was before you try that.

    Back on EBD … because of the way some of those language plugins work and the way EBD uses ajax to update the page, I kind of doubt that it’s going to ever work. However, you should try checking the Mask option in EBD (or unchecking it .. try it both ways). One way that I think it will work is if you use the ’email’ option (rather than ‘inline’ or ‘both’) and you do attachments. That will eliminate any download links. Instead, people just get mailed the file(s) to the email address they put in your form. That has the advantage of the fact that only people that put in valid email address get the file, but it makes things a bit more tedious for them since they can’t click a download link right there on your page. However, that may be the only way to get it to work… (and even then, I’m not 100% sure it will)

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