Thanks Kuba.
I finally got an email to send correctly (Post pending review using your wizard).
I unchecked the “Allow to configure email headers”. When that is checked I believe you are injecting something into the header and that is what breaks it?
My client will decide now to test and move forward with her user base. I really like your plugin, most WordPress email plugins to send mail to WP Users are complicated and just don’t work the way a regular site owner expects.
As far as the destruction of the Sendgrid API key I have not come to terms with the reason. There is only one place in the post-smtp plugin that I unchecked while troubleshooting. It says Prevent plugins and themes from changing this for the email from address and name. Not certain but it is the only other setting in that plugin I had toggled while testing. I am the only user with access to her sendgrid acct and I’ve never seen an API key fail. The only reason was that immediately seeing that notice I tried a straight test email from the post smtp plugin which failed. When I regenerated the key it worked. That is all I know.
You can mark this as resolved, hoping with bigger mailings things will go smoothly. I also appreciate that you answered me quickly. 5 stars.
I have a session transcript of the past failure but since the mail was not actually sent I cant read the recipient header.
I’ve removed the sensitive data from this transcript.
Session Transcript
This is the conversation between Postman and the mail server. It can be useful for diagnosing problems. DO NOT post it on-line, it may contain your account password.
Header keys cannot contain non-ASCII characters and empty spaces.
--Raw message follows--
SendGridMailMail Object
[from:SendGridMailMail:private] => SendGridMailFrom Object
[name:SendGridMailEmailAddress:private] => Inspired to Paint
[email:SendGridMailEmailAddress:private] => [email protected]
[substitutions:SendGridMailEmailAddress:private] =>
[subject:SendGridMailEmailAddress:private] =>
[subject:SendGridMailMail:private] => SendGridMailSubject Object
[subject:SendGridMailSubject:private] => Post Updated
[contents:SendGridMailMail:private] => Array
[0] => SendGridMailContent Object
[type:SendGridMailContent:private] => text/html
[value:SendGridMailContent:private] => <p>Critiques April 2021</p>
[attachments:SendGridMailMail:private] =>
[template_id:SendGridMailMail:private] =>
[sections:SendGridMailMail:private] =>
[headers:SendGridMailMail:private] =>
[categories:SendGridMailMail:private] =>
[custom_args:SendGridMailMail:private] =>
[substitutions:SendGridMailMail:private] =>
[send_at:SendGridMailMail:private] =>
[batch_id:SendGridMailMail:private] =>
[asm:SendGridMailMail:private] =>
[ip_pool_name:SendGridMailMail:private] =>
[mail_settings:SendGridMailMail:private] =>
[tracking_settings:SendGridMailMail:private] =>
[reply_to:SendGridMailMail:private] => SendGridMailReplyTo Object
[name:SendGridMailEmailAddress:private] =>
[email:SendGridMailEmailAddress:private] => [email protected]
[substitutions:SendGridMailEmailAddress:private] =>
[subject:SendGridMailEmailAddress:private] =>
[personalization:SendGridMailMail:private] => Array
[0] => SendGridMailPersonalization Object
[tos:SendGridMailPersonalization:private] => Array
[0] => SendGridMailTo Object
[name:SendGridMailEmailAddress:private] =>
[email:SendGridMailEmailAddress:private] => [email protected]
[substitutions:SendGridMailEmailAddress:private] =>
[subject:SendGridMailEmailAddress:private] =>
[ccs:SendGridMailPersonalization:private] =>
[bccs:SendGridMailPersonalization:private] =>
[subject:SendGridMailPersonalization:private] =>
[headers:SendGridMailPersonalization:private] => Array
[] =>
[message-id] => [email protected]
[substitutions:SendGridMailPersonalization:private] =>
[dynamic_template_data:SendGridMailPersonalization:private] =>
[has_dynamic_template:SendGridMailPersonalization:private] =>
[custom_args:SendGridMailPersonalization:private] =>
[send_at:SendGridMailPersonalization:private] =>
This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by