• Running the latest version of wordpress and your plugin I noticed today that when i tried to create a relationship field using ACF that the Video.js plugin was outputting an unexpected token onto the page which broke the ACF Relationship field. What i was seeing is the that i would connect a relationship field to a custom post type and when i went to page to make the relation it would not show any results to choose from. The console showed this error:

    Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in post.php


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  • Thread Starter robbiegod


    I have also tested this plugin with WordPress 4.2.2. The issue persists in this version as well.

    Please issue a fix…at least respond to let us know that you are working on this.

    I’m going to see if I can fix this with my version. If it works, will give you code.

    I couldn’t reproduce this error in my updated version of the plugin. However, dont have a custom post type. If you want to try my updated version:


    Let me know if it fixes the issue for you or if having same problem. ??

    Thread Starter robbiegod


    thanks stopspazzing. I’ll take a look at it asap.

    I found the cause of this issue. Video-js.php is using the mce_buttons filter to write some options to each page. ACF is also using that filter but is pulling in the echoed code in that filter to it’s javascript. (see https://cl.ly/image/28390z313i2o)

    To avoid this error I simply move the line that is retrieving and echoing the options (line 287 and 288 in video-js.php) to live within the mce_external_plugins filter 6 lines below that. The options still get echoed to the DOM and ACF doesn’t rewrite it into it’s JS. Seems that all parties are happy.

    So for an example…. this code at the bottom of video-js.php:

    function register_video_js_button($buttons) {
    	array_push($buttons, "|", "videojs");
    	$options = get_option('videojs_options');
    	echo('<div style="display:none"><input type="hidden" id="videojs-autoplay-default" value="' . $options['videojs_autoplay'] . '"><input type="hidden" id="videojs-preload-default" value="' . $options['videojs_preload'] . '"></div>'); //the default values from the admin screen, to be used by our javascript
    	return $buttons;
    function video_js_mce_plugin($plugin_array) {
    	$plugin_array['videojs'] = plugins_url( 'mce-button.js' , __FILE__ );
    	return $plugin_array;

    Becomes this:

    function register_video_js_button($buttons) {
    	array_push($buttons, "|", "videojs");
    	return $buttons;
    function video_js_mce_plugin($plugin_array) {
    	$options = get_option('videojs_options');
    	echo('<div style="display:none"><input type="hidden" id="videojs-autoplay-default" value="' . $options['videojs_autoplay'] . '"><input type="hidden" id="videojs-preload-default" value="' . $options['videojs_preload'] . '"></div>'); //the default values from the admin screen, to be used by our javascript
    	$plugin_array['videojs'] = plugins_url( 'mce-button.js' , __FILE__ );
    	return $plugin_array;

    I’m sure there is a better way to do this, but this seems to at least do the trick for now.

    akv2 – brilliant! Thank you for posting this. I was just about to dive into this when I found your post. It works perfectly!

    akv2 – thank you so much. I couldn’t figure out what was causing the issue with ACF in the admin area with relationship fields (and a few others – fields based on conditional values were showing all options) until I started turning off plug-ins and noticed that the acf/video.js combination was the culprit. That led me here to your solution – many thanks again…

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