Hi, after investigating the issue, the problem should be resolved on the theme’s customizer CSS endpoint.
For example:
#customize-control-astra-color-palettes .astra-color-picker-wrap {
display: block;
font-size: 13px !important; /* newly added rule */
#customize-control-astra-color-palettes .ast-palette-label-wrap {
font-size: 13px !important; /* newly added rule */
But there are other places, and others dynamically calculated in JavaScript, so those two above are basic fixes that will cover color picker.
Thing is if I add exception to this theme, I’ll enter infinite wormhole of exceptions to any other theme.
And if I remove !important declaration to generic div, which is the “cause of the issue”, my plugin won’t change other places in admin dashboard, which will open whole new set of problems, effectively making it pointless.
The problem is simple to fix by setting !important override on theme’s customizer stylesheet, because it loads AFTER my plugin’s stylesheet.
Marking as wontfix.
You are probably unaware, but you can move vertical line between left sidebar (Customizer) and right (Preview) space, to increase the space required for different font scaling and other changes it affects. Position your mouse near the edge of the vertical border line, wait until mouse changes from pointer arrow to left-right arrows symbol, then right-click (+ hold) and drag it to the right to make more space for the sidebar left panel ??
edit: Sorry, above seems to be WP’s “glitchy” behavior and recalculation of Customizer sidebar while developer window is active in vertical position and I move it around.
This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by
Darko A7.