Install Extras and Event Manager and activate them
Create a group
head to the group and click on “Manage”. Once in the management menu you should click on Extras.
In the General settings you need to follow these steps:
Select “Hide It” for the Extras page – you don’t want to display this.
In the option “Please specify the page name, where all custom pages will be displayed”, it is set as “Pages” by default, you need to change this to “Home”.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and in the area under the field “Rename the Home group page – Activity (for example) is far better.” enter “Activity”
Select Save, you will notice that in the list of pages displayed at the top of the list is now “Activity” and towards the bottom of the list is “Home”
Now click on “Home” and drag it to the top of the page list.
Save the General Settings once again. This has created a new home page and made it the landing page for the group.
At the top of the General Settings area click on “Add Page”. This will open up the New Page dialogue.
In the content box for the Page Title, enter any suitable page title, this will not be displayed so is for your reference, I use “Group Home”.
Enter the test text
Once you have completed the text, go to the bottom of the page and select Show This and then hit create page.
After it has save, hit the group home button and you will see the text is missing
deactivate Events Manager and the text will display
Sorry this is a bit longwinded but it’s exactly what I was doing.