• Resolved barnux


    I use the latest version of Advanced Access Manager Premium (1.7.2) and the latest version of Calendarize it (1.3.5), a premium plugin from CodeCanyon.net

    If Calendarize It is active, Access Manager completely stops working, when I try to go in the options I get a blank page with a JavaScript alert saying

    TypeError: Object [object global] has no method ‘indexOf’

    In order to use Access Manager again, I’m forced to deactivate Calendarize It, this is really annoying. I also sent the authors a message, hope to find a solution quickly.


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  • I am getting the exact same results and it is, indeed, annoying.

    Thread Starter barnux


    An update from the Calendarize It developers:

    just remove these three lines from the file rrecur-parser.js in the calendarize-it/js folder (lines number 27, 28 and 29):

    var r = jQuery.inArray(test_var,this);
    return (r!=undefined && (r != -1)) ;
    //-- orginal:

    That should do the job, at least until they issue the next update of their plugin.

    This solved my problem, thank you for this! ??



    For Some Reason with the most recent WP update 3.7 the new information about the venue and organizers for my events is only appearing on newly Created Events. Also it will not allow the media to be posted it just shows the text does anyone have a solution or Suggestion.

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