• Hi.
    I use Cloudflare. When bots attack the site, Cloudflare shows them a page as a challenge. The problem is that these pages are merged and minified with js files by LightSpeed, and a js error occurs. Is there a solution to this problem?

    Here is the minified js file:

    /*! jQuery v3.5.1 | (c) JS Foundation and other contributors | jquery.org/license */
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    <title>Access denied | www.zzzagros.com used Cloudflare to restrict access</title>
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             <h1 class="inline-block md:block mr-2 md:mb-2 font-light text-60 md:text-3xl text-black-dark leading-tight">
               <span data-translate="error">Error</span>
             <span class="inline-block md:block heading-ray-id font-mono text-15 lg:text-sm lg:leading-relaxed">Ray ID: 611a2b001c00cad4 &bull;</span>
             <span class="inline-block md:block heading-ray-id font-mono text-15 lg:text-sm lg:leading-relaxed">2021-01-14 20:39:43 UTC</span>
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  • Plugin Support qtwrk



    Could you please provide the report number ?

    You can get it in toolbox -> report -> click “send to LiteSpeed”

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter Hamid Reza Yazdani


    Thanks @qtwrk, report submitted.
    Report number: QIXZXIQM

    Plugin Support qtwrk



    I am still under impression that how could such issue happens

    I will need to try to reproduce it

    so I assume this is what you did :

    1. CF -> under attack mode

    2. enable JS combine/minify ?

    Best regards,

    Plugin Support qtwrk



    I’m going to mark this topic “Resolved”, due to lack of activity.

    If you still need help, please feel free to re-open it.

    When re-open it, please also change the topic status to “not solved”

    Best regards,

    @qtwrk your method is working ??

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