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  • Plugin Author ELsMystERy


    I am using the download list widget on my sites with QAFP FAQ installed and am not seeing the problem. I would need to see your site to troubleshoot this further. It could be a different plugin, or widget causing the problem.

    Thread Starter 0crash0


    yeah, widget of download monitor stops generating page (i mean last generated is name of download widget) i turned off now faq plugin(all works fine without that).. site:
    upd. i didn’t ever turnd on faq widget…

    Plugin Author ELsMystERy


    When I try to get to your site I get this error: CPU Limit Exceeded. Try a different theme and see if it works with that. If you look at this site: you will see it is working fine with my theme there.

    Thread Starter 0crash0

    (@0crash0) .. that’s mirror.. thanks maybe that’s realy problem with my theme beccouse when i change it to twentyforteen main page show’s all normaly..
    but when i go to page with faq plugin all widget’s dissapear

    Plugin Author ELsMystERy


    I see the widgets on

    Thread Starter 0crash0


    and faq? maybe i’ve turn it off to test when you open url… but with another theme it’s work fine at all pages and faq page too .. .
    must to see code of widget panels at my main theme and themes where it’s working


    Plugin Author ELsMystERy


    Download monitor may have a problem. I noticed that the download monitor widget is not working correctly on category archives on my site, but is fine everywhere else.

    Thread Starter 0crash0


    don’t know whats going on .. . but at the my mirror site now all works and with my theme too (without chenge something)..

    maybe i corrupt some files when i moov my site.. .

    my last host have problems too with avalibility.. and new host now too… great… maybe i stop on my testing mirror.. all works .. maybe it load some more time than others… but i haven’t probles with that yet

    sorry for offtop

    Thread Starter 0crash0


    hm .. now and at e3w site all works.. maybe i just need to re-activete plugins download and faq

    Thread Starter 0crash0


    yepp at categories it’s not works

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