Using Elementor 3.13.3, Elementor Pro 3.13.2, SFG 4.0.6.
The steps required to produce the problem are to have an Elementor Pro Image Carousel on a page when the SFG plugin is active. In this case, the page’s swiper.min.css file is from SFG. If SFG is not active, then the swiper.min.css file is from Elementor.
If you have a page with the Elementor Image Carousel included and SFG active, how many files named swiper.min.css are loaded? If only one, is it your file or Elementor’s?
If you go to and scroll to the section May 2023 Salon, you will see that the ‘<‘ and ‘>’ controls are misplaced. (I have activated the SFG plugin for your benefit and will leave it this way until 1PM EST so you have a chance to look.) If you look at the HTML for that control you will see it is embedded in a div of class .elementor-swiper-button, which has a generic display type of block. It should be Flex from the Elementor CSS. If you look then at swiper.min.css in Sources, you will see your CSS file. If SFG is not active, then you will see Elementor’s version of that file.
If this doesn’t help, I can send you a temporary administrative login and you can see for yourself the effect of activating or deactivating your plugin.