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  • The spinning arrow is a common symptom of a JavaScript conflict with either your current WordPress theme or one of the other plugins you are using. It can also be caused by a server-side warning or error. See Contact Form 7 Email Issues – there is a link there that covers JavaScript Conflicts.

    Same issue for me while activating Woocommerce. The email got sent but the error/vaildation messages never showed up and the spinning arrows would spin forever.

    I had left this line in my wp-config.php while debugging another issue, define('WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', true);, which disabled the validation/success message.

    Please also see this thread in the WooCommerce support forum.

    @niklaswallerstedt – that will only stop your particular problem from being reported if you have WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY activated ( something you wouldn’t normally do on a production site ).??

    It doesn’t change the underlying problem – it just doesn’t report it.??

    Also the OP’s problem – despite any similarity in symptoms – could be completely different.??

    Same as @tony, only spinning icon when CF7 and Woocommerce plugins used together.

    WP – v4.3
    Contact Form 7 – v4.2.2 (latest)
    Woocommerce – v2.4.6 (latest)
    Theme – twentyfifteen
    All other plugins disabled.

    Any help appreciated.

    Same issue here.

    WP 4.3
    Contact Form 7 4.2.2
    Woocommerce 2.4.6
    Base theme and no other plugins active.

    This thread could be of help

    A similar problem has been addressed by @takayuki and @jason

    Thank you @davmerit, this comment solved my issue.

    If this resolves your question, it helps others contributing here, you can flag your post as [resolved]

    Thread Starter


    The problem has been resolved! Thanks the Plugin Author. Cheers!

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