OK So here is what I have so far. It appears you are using 2 facebook tabs, but this plugin does not support two facebook tabs. If you put in 2 then they should be identical because there is only 1 facebook parameter. What is happening is when the second facebook tab is encoding the 2nd facebook URL it is missing an ending quotes or something and encoding the rest of the webpage. The rwdImageMaps js file is at the end of the webpage and cannot be rendered because it is being encoded. I don’t know if you changed the WP-Flybox or altered it to have a 2nd facebook page, but either way it is not working correctly. It appears the 1st facebook tab is working fine.
So here is what I would try…
1. On the options of the second facebook tab copy down the url to the custom image and the facebook URL.
2. remove the 2nd facebook tab and use a custom tab, so you have facebook and custom #1 tabs only
3. under the custom tab options paste the url to the custom image to the “Location of Custom Icon” and change the border color to #3B5998
. Then change the “Link or HTML Code:” option to HTML Code and paste the following into “HTML Code/URL:”
<iframe title="Facebook" src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/likebox.php?href=########################&width=300&height=550&colorscheme=light&show_faces=false&stream=true&header=false&small_header=false&hide_cover=false&hide_cta=true" style="border:none;width:300px; height:550px;background-color:#ffffff;">iframes not supported by your browser.</iframe>
4. In the above code, replace ########################
with the URL of your 2nd facebook page (I belive it is https://www.facebook.com/ReclaimTheAmericanDreamOrg
5. Save the options and make sure wp-flybox is set to display on a side and not turned off.
Let me know how that goes or if you need more help!