Thanks for your patience while I began my investigation. I have set up a test site and installed:
- Media Library Assistant 2.31
- Toolset Types v2.1
- Toolset Views v2.1
I created a custom post type, a content template and a view. I found no problems with the post type and content template when MLA was active. I was able to use the MLA Media Manager Enhancements with the “Media” button on both.
The View editor gave me some trouble. On my system it takes about 12 seconds to load because of a “long running script” in my browser (Internet Explorer). Once it was loaded I was able to use the “Loop Output Editor” to add fields to the view without further problems. The “Loop Wizard”, “Fields and Views” and “Content Template” buttons work fine.
The View editor “Media” button did not work on my system. The modal window popped up but after a long pause it reported “No items found.” even though the Media library contains several images. When MLA is not active the popup makes two “query-attachments” Ajax calls. The first call returns all of the items in the Media Library, but is apparently ignored. The second call requests all items “attached” to the View and returns zero items; this is the call that causes “No items found.”
When MLA is active the results are similar, but the pause is much longer and for some reason 125 “query-attachments” Ajax calls are made before returning “No items found.” This is probably some bug caused by MLA or the combination of MLA and WP Views. I will work on that.
I am not able to reproduce the symptoms you report in your first post. Any additional details on the steps you take to cause the problem would be very helpful.
In the interim you may be able to avoid the problem without deactivating MLA entirely. Go to the Settings/Media Library Assistant General tab and scroll down to the “Media Manager/Media Grid Enhancements” section. Uncheck the “Enable Media Grid Enhancements ” and “Enable Media Manager Enhancements ” boxes, then scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Save Changes” to record your settings. That should remove all of the MLA scripts from the Toolset/Edit View screen and give you a better result. Let me know if that works for you.
Thanks again for your patience.