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  • Hey @Mayeenul Islam,

    I’ve installed the Framework plugin and the theme you mentioned over there on the GitHub.

    With all three activated I didn’t find any issue in Media Library ( Grid View ).

    How you are using the filter, you’ve mentioned in the issue cs_framework_options.


    Thread Starter Mayeenul Islam


    Dear Umesh,
    Thank you for your support.

    With all three activated I didn’t find any issue in Media Library ( Grid View ).

    You took me to a state of perplexity. ??

    Anyways, I’ve installed a fresh install of WordPress 4.4.1 in localhost (WAMP – PHP 5.5.12, MySQL 5.6.17 with mod_rewrite enabled).

    Theme enabled is:

    Plugins enabled are/is:

    • WP Smush (v.2.1.2)

    Screenshot Themes:
    Screenshot Plugins:
    Screenshot Media Gallery (grid):
    Screenshot Media Gallery (list):

    And the theme code is on github (source open)

    Browser used for debugging is Chrome Version 47.0.2526.106 m

    @Mayeenul Islam, I see a lot of add-ons in your browser, can you check it in incognito mode to make sure, something is not interfering.

    I does have similar plugin, theme setup and it works absolutely fine, so it might be something related to your local server setup or mostly a chrome extension.

    Thread Starter Mayeenul Islam


    I’m afraid I’m having the same issue in Incognito Mode, and in Private window of Firefox. Here are some screenshots in different browser.

    Screenshot – Chrome – Incognito –
    Screenshot – Firefox Dev. Edition – Private Window:
    Screenshot – Firefox – Private Window:
    Screenshot – UC Browser – Incognito:

    I can assure I’m having the same issue in a remote server setup with:
    – PHP 5.4.41
    – MySQL 5.5.45
    mod_rewrite enabled
    – OS: Linux

    As a volunteer support assistant in WordPress.StackExchange I know it’s difficult to provide solution with too localized issues. But as I’m confirming from different setup, you can have a new look.

    @Mayeenul Islam, Can you contact us through

    On the contact form, select “I have a different question”

    Can you please send in:
    – In the subject field add “Attn: Umesh Kumar”
    – Link back to this thread

    Once I get the email, we’ll take it further from there, as I’d need some login details.


    Hi Guys,

    I activated WP Smush plugin on my local, and i did not get any error. BUT yes there is a conflict. you are right.

    Why i and @umesh Kumar do not seeing error because we are using
    define( ‘SCRIPT_DEBUG’, true ); on locals. when i false it. i am getting error message yes.

    and @Mayeenul Islam do not using SCRIPT_DEBUG and seeing error. because when you use script debug, js files loading after framework js.

    Now, what is the conflict?

    Conflict is tooltip plugins. I am using bootstrap’s tooltip plugin. WP Smush using jquery-ui’s tooltip plugin. error message coming from here.

    What you can do ?

    You need to choose which tooltip plugin you will remove? framework’s or WP Smush’s. My opinion, I need to change my bootstrap tooltip plugin, because we regards for 300K+ users activated this plugin. I will change my tooltip.


    ( Note for Plugin Authors, As you know bootstrap and jquery is popular tools, you need to find an idea for conflict. because a lot of authors using bootstrap’s tooltip, I will find a solution for my framework, but i think you will see this issue next time, Have a nice day )

    Regards, Codestar

    Thread Starter Mayeenul Islam


    Awesome, just awesome! Thanks for the collaborative support from both the plugin. +1 for that.

    I use CSS tooltip where necessary as they are the most non-conflicting way of doing this. BTW, using jQuery tooltip instead of Bootstrap’s would be a great step too. Good luck on that.

    I updated the status in:

    that, the latest Codestar initiative solving the issue was excellent and working in my case.

    Closing the topic here. ??
    Thank you guys! Kudos.

    Thanks @Mayeenul Islam, @codestar for sorting this out, Great work in here.


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