Hi Guys,
I activated WP Smush plugin on my local, and i did not get any error. BUT yes there is a conflict. you are right.
Why i and @umesh Kumar do not seeing error because we are using
define( ‘SCRIPT_DEBUG’, true ); on locals. when i false it. i am getting error message yes.
and @Mayeenul Islam do not using SCRIPT_DEBUG and seeing error. because when you use script debug, js files loading after framework js.
Now, what is the conflict?
Conflict is tooltip plugins. I am using bootstrap’s tooltip plugin. WP Smush using jquery-ui’s tooltip plugin. error message coming from here.
What you can do ?
You need to choose which tooltip plugin you will remove? framework’s or WP Smush’s. My opinion, I need to change my bootstrap tooltip plugin, because we regards for 300K+ users activated this plugin. I will change my tooltip.
Follow: https://github.com/Codestar/codestar-framework/issues/213
( Note for Plugin Authors, As you know bootstrap and jquery is popular tools, you need to find an idea for conflict. because a lot of authors using bootstrap’s tooltip, I will find a solution for my framework, but i think you will see this issue next time, Have a nice day )
Regards, Codestar