• Resolved cyndimarie


    I’m loving the look of the grid in my archive pages, but it seems to be messing with my Genesis Featured Widget Amplified widgets…

    I have the grid set up to have 3 columns for the archives. In my sidebar I have the Featured Widget Amplified set to show 2 posts (with featured image and title) from a specific category. It should be displaying them one on top of the other. It looks like the grid plugin is dividing the space for the Featured Widget Amplified widget into 3 columns, squishing the 2 featured post images into one area next to each other.

    Oddly, if I alter the settings for the Featured Widget Amplified to show just 2 recent posts from ANY category, the problem is fixed. But if I tell it to display from a specific category, it squishes the images.

    Any help would be appreciated ??


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  • I’ve run into the same problem!

    cyndimarie, here’s something that helped me:

    “You can use the genesis_grid_loop_section filter to customize exactly where the grid loop is used.”


    Thread Starter cyndimarie


    Thanks Bill, but I’m not sure how to use that for my situation. I don’t have any custom post types.

    I want the grid loop to show on all archives/categories/search results, but without affecting the sidebar…

    Can I alter the code from that link to make this happen?

    I would try this.

    1) in the Grid Loop settings, turn it off everywhere. That is, uncheck everything for “Enable on:”

    2) in your functions.php file for your child theme, add this:

    function bd_show_genesis_grid( $grid, $query ) {
            if(  is_archive() || is_search()  )
                    $grid = true;
            return $grid;
    add_filter( 'genesis_grid_loop_section', 'bd_show_genesis_grid', 10, 2 );

    update: this doesn’t seem to work properly. I’ll keep looking.

    Thread Starter cyndimarie


    Still no change with that code, however, if I take out is_archive() then the grid shows on the search results without messing up the sidebar widget. Seems like is_archive() applies to the widget as well.

    I also looked into the code mentioned here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/conflict-with-featured-widget-amplified-plugin?replies=3 but that also seemed to have no effect.

    This is a convoluted solution (perhaps?), but it seems to work for me.

    add_action('gfwa_before_loop', 'bd_suppress_grid_loop' );
    function bd_suppress_grid_loop() {
    	add_filter( 'genesis_grid_loop_args', 'be_homepage_grid_args', 10, 2 );
    function be_homepage_grid_args( $args, $query ) {
    		$args['features_on_front'] = 1;
    		return $args;
    Thread Starter cyndimarie


    Ok this works! I just had to tweak it a bit.

    It looks like the FEATURES are key here. In that last code excerpt you had it set to show 1 feature, so when I put the code in, the first featured post in the Featured Widget Amplified showed correctly. I had the widget configured to show 2 posts though, so the second one was still squished. So I just changed the features_on_front to 2 and now the sidebar looks fine.

    Not really sure WHY it’s working, but it is!

    Thanks for all your help!

    Ah, yes. I’m showing only one in the widget, not two.

    Glad it works!

    Plugin Author Bill Erickson


    Just as a note, the reason this conflicts with the Featured Widget Amplified is that the Featured Widget Amplified plugin is improperly coded. It uses query_posts() which tells WordPress this is the main loop on the page. The grid loop plugin is supposed to affect the main loop, and so also affects this widget.

    I’ve notified the developer of that plugin of the issue, but it might be helpful if you leave comments on their support forum as well.

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