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  • Dear user please send your link so we could have a look

    Roberto Gomez


    Hi Guys I have the same issue I installed Huge It Gallery and the Slider Pro show in the slider transition the next image in black.
    I will need change the Huge It Gallery for other option because my websites has more that 30 Slider Pro creates.

    My email is [E-mail deleted]



    Dear user if there is some conflicts between two plugins. Our developers usually can fix it. But first we need the link of your page to say if this problem really comes from our Gallery

    Hi Everyone,

    I am developing a site for a client and have run into the issue. As a developer, I was able to located and fix the issue fairly easily.

    I’ve just opened up a ticket explaining the situation in details. For this thread, I’ll just write what I did to fix things.

    Now, for whatever reason Huge IT Gallery enqueues a javascript file called gallery-all.js which is only relevant if your using sliders at all on your site.

    You can find gallery-all.js inside of /wp-content/plugins/gallery-images/js/gallery-all.js`

    Open up that file and delete all of the JavaScript code found inside and re-save the file. This plugin should then work fine with Slider Pro. I haven’t tested what breaks within this plugin after you remove all of the code in this js file, but from the gallerys and one slider I did try everything appeared to work 100%.

    Note: This will be reverted back to its original state after every update, so either don’t update or make these changes after each update. Hopefully the author will implement this fix into a future release, so we don’t have to keep making these changes.

    As a fix to the plugin authors I’ve outlined the steps that can be taken to help alleviate this issue in future iterations. Ideally, they need to target their slider a little better. Currently the JavaScript targets the element .slide img which is also used inside of Slider Pro.


    Changing this plugins classes to something like .hugeIT .slide img would be a quick and simple way to fix this issue. I wish this plugin were up on GitHub to submit a pull request, because I’m in that kind of mood right now.


    Dear Evan actually you did everything right. It is ok that you found gallery-all.js in our plugin. Some of themes doesn’t have it, but some already have that kind of code and when they meet the same in plugin, it can cause problems. You deleted it – ok, but you also could just write a comment not to activate it, and all would be fine.

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