• I am unclear about the process. Okay, I am almost clueless.
    Permissions: I will only have “guests” – no login/no other admin.

    I need a basic how-to make a puzzle.

    Sorry this is so long! I want see, to compare, what I am doing wrong – after I get the correct steps.

    1). What are the steps to create a puzzle?

    This is what I did, it is totally wrong:
    – create and name a Project.
    – create a Page.
    – put both (2) “build” shortcodes on the new Page.
    – ignore dropdown that defaults on “Riddle”.
    – add word list in the “describe which words…” box.
    – pick level from dropdown.
    – enter each word into empty puzzle box.
    – hit button to fill in letters.
    – circle/mark the words.
    —–then notice————————————————-
    – I do not know how to name the puzzle.
    – I do not know how to save the puzzle.
    – a second set to create a puzzle has loaded when I reloaded the Page. And both puzzle makers are blank. (I lost what I did)

    2). Before I make puzzles: Do I create one page to make the puzzles – reuse it – and hide it from users?

    3). What else should I do before I make a puzzle?
    for example:
    – Create a project
    – Create a Page
    – Put “build” shortcodes on the Page…?
    4). Where do you add/edit Riddles?

    Please just provide me with the correct “how to make a puzzle” information. You do not need to put my text in your response, nor address each question separately.

    Thank you.


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  • Thank you very much! I still waiting reply from my hosting support to restore access to MySQL databases and MyPHPAdmin. It looks strange, but my old passwords do not match to the accounts and reset option doesn’t work. Will be back with results.

    Thread Starter Toni


    —– I am soooo glad that was not my problem, whatever it was. You guys lost me days ago. ———–

    Works great for me!

    Sorry for the long interruption, now I am in.
    1. Database –
    Server: Localhost via UNIX socket
    Software: Percona Server
    Software version: 5.5.40-36.1-log – Percona Server (GPL), Release 36.1, Revision 707
    Protocol version: 10
    User: g*****@localhost
    Server charset: UTF-8 Unicode (utf8)

    2.WEB –
    Database client version: libmysql – 5.0.96
    PHP extension: mysqli Documentation

    3. In “wp_crw_crosswords”, “wp_crw_editors” and “wp_crw_projects” the type is varchar(255)

    4. In the relation view on editors I see the project line with ‘<database name>’.’wp_crw_projects’.’project’ in it, the second line is empty.

    5. in the same view of project I do not see the project name and other options (default_level, maximum_level and used_level answered “no index defined!”

    6. And this is the copy of the Engines tab-

    Storage Engine Description
    CSV CSV storage engine
    MRG_MYISAM Collection of identical MyISAM tables
    MyISAM MyISAM storage engine
    BLACKHOLE /dev/null storage engine (anything you write to it disappears)
    InnoDB Percona-XtraDB, Supports transactions, row-level locking, and foreign keys
    partition Partition Storage Engine Helper
    FEDERATED Federated MySQL storage engine
    ARCHIVE Archive storage engine
    MEMORY Hash based, stored in memory, useful for temporary tables
    PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA Performance Schema

    Plugin Author ccprog


    Unfortunately, for my question no. 2 you got the wrong table. If you click on the name of the database on the left, you see a table on the right. Do not click on table names there, but look at the information describing the table itself. Columns should have names like Action, Rows, Type, Collation… Type should be something like “MyISAM” or “InnoDB”.

    In addition, I did not ask for the relation view of wp_crw_projects, only of the other two, _editors and _crosswords. To clear things up: “second line” did not mean an entry for the user_id line, but sub entries in the projects line that look like “Constraint name project_editors ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE”. Are they there?

    And finally, on the home page there is a tab “Variables”. If you enter enforce_storage_engine into the filter field, what shows up in the entry below?

    Ok. Finally I got it not in the wp-crossword/editor/projects tables but in wp table. The type of crossword/editor/projects is InnoDB.

    About second line sorry, hope now I have the correct line –
    on crossword relation view: ON UPDATE >CASCADE; ON DELETE>RESTRICT.
    on editors *-* : both CASCADE
    on projects *-*: nothing at all ( no second line exists )

    in Home>Variables:
    The field ‘enforce_storage_engine’ is empty and unclickable ((((

    The field ‘storage_engine’ shows next – MyISAM and information under sign ‘?’

    System Variable Name storage_engine
    Variable Scope Global, Session
    Dynamic Variable Yes

    Permitted Values (<= 5.5.4) Type enumeration
    Default MyISAM

    Permitted Values (>= 5.5.5) Type enumeration
    Default InnoDB

    Plugin Author ccprog


    Sorry that took so much effort to find out…everything is as it should be, so the technichal glitch I was suspecting didn’t happen. What this means is unfortunately that we are no step nearer to resolving your problem.

    If you are seeing a project in the Assign projects and editors tab, but not in the Review tab, it usually means that you didn’t give yourself the right to do so. So, are you really sure the account you gave Full editor rights to is yourself?

    It is relatively easy to loose track of names in WordPress. In the Crosswordsearch Options tab, you give capabilities to roles, which are groups of accounts. Crosswordsearch editing rights go to individual accounts. There might be multiple persons in the role “Administrator”, and one of them might go by the account name “Administrator”. (not a good choice, therefore.)

    An individual account consists of five (!) fields defining names: Username, First name, Last name, Nickname and Display name. What you see in the Crosswordsearch Assign projects and editors tab is the Display name, but not the Username.

    Are there any names left in the “Other users” column? You could try to move them all to the left “full editors” column (and save) and look again in the review tab. If you then can see the project entry, your current login account was not the one you thought it was.

    I am the only administrator and I see the only my name on assign page.. I add the name to the project and set the level, then click SAVE. Atfer that I move my name I’m logged with, from right to the left box with “full rights” above. SAVE. As I see in my case both buttons SAVE on Assign page do not work. I set level 4/4 and save, but in the MyPHPAdmin I see 3/3. I see the name of project and see the user ID 1. But do not see my name. There is also no one line shows the project with its name as I did in wp_projects. Is it possible to make all these manipulations manually directly in MyPHPAdmin tables without damaging the plugin itself? For example to write all I need to work with the first crossword in a proper fields?

    I am travelling now and will check WP settings upon arriving.

    Thank you for great help!

    I did check my WP. My role is Administrator. Croswordsearch doesn’t show in fields on Assign my user name (whichi is my email address), but only nickname which I see when logged into my administrative account. My nickname is not Administrator…

    Plugin Author ccprog


    Most of what you describe is exactly as it should be. What is not completele clear is this:

    I see the name of project and see the user ID 1. But do not see my name. There is also no one line shows the project with its name as I did in wp_projects.

    Which table are you talking about? wp_crw_editors should have lines that are a combination of the project name and the user id (not the user name, that is quite correct) for each full editor you defined for the project. wp_crw_crossword should be empty as long as you did not save any crossword.

    I would say, looking ‘behind the scenes’ with phpMyAdmin does not make any further sense. Manipulating data would do so even less. The reason I asked for it was to look at the server configuration, which is fine.

    The next thing I can think of is the link between roles and capabilities. Do you have a plugin in use that lets you define or manipulate roles? (User role editor, User role, Setup of roles, DD Roles, … there are a plethora of those.) If not, don’t bother to look them up, as the standard configuration will work out of the box.

    It is in the wp_editors in “browse” tab… There is the name of the project as I named it, and User ID 1.
    I can see my project in wp_projects “browse”tab as well, but I made the levels (default and maximum) 4/4, and in the table I see default and maximum are 3, used level – 0.

    My role on the site is Administrator and I do not have any specific plugin to work with the roles, only standard in user settings. I can change the role of administrator to editor or add an account and set it as editor. But I do not see any sense in it because In “options” of crosswordsearch I gave full rights to administrator, editor and author. As I see it, my role of the administrator should work, and I do not understand why I set default and max. levels to 4, and see on MyPHPAdmin levels 3 and 3…

    As far as I got it, your plugin has nothing to do with posts, feedbacks and comments, isn’t it? Because on my site these functions are disabled. Only me, as adiministrator, can add, edit and modify all information, texts, etc. on my site.

    I hope very much we will find the solution!

    Dear CCPROG!

    I have made the private page with screenshots of tabs and comments. Could you check it?


    I have played today with the roles, did open a new account for myself and get the role editor. As an editor I cannot see “options” and “assign” tabs, in “review” tab nothing have
    been changed and I have the same message “you do not have permission” when I try to save the crossword.

    Plugin Author ccprog


    First, I have to apologize for a false information: projects will only be visible in the review tab after the first crossword has been saved. So it is normal that you can’t see anything yet.

    Other things that are as expected include the level numbers: the number you see on a page is the nuber saved internally + 1. Also, only administrators are allowed to see the Options and Assign tabs.

    Thank you for the screen shots. One thing I noticed there is that you used all uppercase letters for the project name. Did you, by chance, use some lowercase letters instead in the shortcode? Currently, I can’t see how this would lead to the error you see, but let’s make sure.

    I do copy-paste to avoid misspelling of the upper/lower cases.
    Let see, maybe I do something wrong on the page creating the crossword?
    1. make the private page and ad the shortcode with edited name of the project.
    2. Publish this page and view it in browser.
    I see the fields with triple arrows for dropdown menues and empty crossword.
    3. I add my words to the crossword field, mark them by sliding cursor and the words appear below the crossword. The marks sometime kame the words invisible under the color overlay, sometime there is only the rounded frame.
    4. I fill the rest of the fields in the crossword using the left button under the crossword and go up to save it.
    5. I enter the name of crossword and press button SAVE. in a few seconds I always see “you have no permission”.
    Maybe sowhere in between these manipulations I do a mistake?
    I can make step-by-step screenshots for this process too.

    Plugin Author ccprog


    Don’t bother with screenshots.

    Something that might help me more would be if I could get a look at a page with the crossword area. Would you be prepared to simply add the shortcode to the page you gave me the link for above? Don’t give me login information, I only want to have a look at the page as it is.

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