• Hi, I followed a post on your website that suggested this shortcode: [sgpx gpx=”/wp-content/uploads/gpx/xxx.gpx” nggalleries=”69″]

    where do I get xxx.gpx file from? Do I create it myself? I’m a novice so your tutorials are not helpful to me at all. Is there a more thorough tutorial on how to use this correctly?


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  • sinitita


    I dropped in here because I have problems to get my photos work with WP GPX Maps…

    To answer to Lady1178: yes you have to provide the gpx file yourself, either by tracking your trips, or creating tracks with any tool. There are also gpx files out there in the internet that you can use for your tour planning, but I would refrain from using these on your own website.

    You can see an example on my website (just starting – this is the first map with working photos): https://fotos.sini-bodemer.de/category/anden/cajas/

    And now to my question: In the description it says “Even if you don’t have a gps camera, this plugin can retrive the image position starting from the image date and you gpx file.”

    How does this work? My photos and my gpx tracks are synchronized, no time difference, so I assume I don’t have to use the attribute “dtoffset” – Am I right? Still, I don’t get the photos on the map with this method.

    In the example above I used photos that already have geotagging information, added by myself which isn’t really a problem. Nevertheless, using this method I have to do also the resizing before uploading as using the “Automatically resize images after upload” feature of nextgen gallery will remove the gps information from the photos. That’s odd, as my website is the only use for the resized photos, so why do it offline?? So I would appreciate a solution to geotag photos automatically. What am I doing wrong, dear plugin author.

    Would be even greater to allow using flickr photo sets instead of nextgen gallery in the map (would be a suggestion for an enhancement and a great step!).

    P.S. Would it be possible, in one next update, to restrict the possibilities which map types can be chosen by the users on the front end, for example in the settings, this would be great!! I don’t want to let users switch to google maps as for this specific website above as for this region and for hiking tours in general google maps is too bad.

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