• Resolved wildmice


    I am finding it impossible to tell the difference between using categories/archives and using excerpts, as they seem to do the same thing – both adding buttons to the excerpts. This is also the case with the home page (when it’s not a static page). What i would have expected is that excerpts and categories/archives would operate independently, with excerpts adding buttons to individual excerpts and categories/archives adding one set up buttons for the whole page.

    Right now excerpts doesn’t even seem to work unless categories/archives is also enabled. So i think there is definitely some confusion here in what functionality to expect for the applicable page-type settings.

    The following changes fixed this problem for me. (Note that WordPress replaces single quotes with curly quotes, so you have to fix those.)

    In the file inc/ssba_buttons.php …

    1. add filters to insert content at start and end of archive/category pages :

    // added @ v6.3.4 to separate excerpts/archives functionality
    add_filter (‘loop_start’, ‘ssba_show_buttons_for_archives_before’);
    add_filter (‘loop_end’, ‘ssba_show_buttons_for_archives_after’);

    // added @ v6.3.4 to separate excerpts/archives functionality
    function ssba_show_buttons_for_archives_before() {

    if (is_front_page() && !is_home()) return;

    // get sbba settings
    $arrSettings = get_ssba_settings();

    if ($arrSettings[‘ssba_before_or_after’] == ‘before’ || $arrSettings[‘ssba_before_or_after’] == ‘both’) {


    // added @ v6.3.4 to separate excerpts/archives functionality
    function ssba_show_buttons_for_archives_after() {

    if (is_front_page() && !is_home()) return;

    // get sbba settings
    $arrSettings = get_ssba_settings();

    if ($arrSettings[‘ssba_before_or_after’] == ‘after’ || $arrSettings[‘ssba_before_or_after’] == ‘both’) {


    2. and a separate function to insert buttons for category/archive pages :

    // added @ v6.3.4 to separate excerpts/archives functionality
    function ssba_add_buttons_for_archives() {

    // globals
    global $post;

    // variables
    $htmlContent = ”;

    // get sbba settings
    $arrSettings = get_ssba_settings();

    if (isset($arrSettings[‘ssba_cats_archs’]) && $arrSettings[‘ssba_cats_archs’] == ‘Y’ && is_category()
    || isset($arrSettings[‘ssba_cats_archs’]) && $arrSettings[‘ssba_cats_archs’] == ‘Y’ && is_archive()
    || isset($arrSettings[‘ssba_homepage’]) && $arrSettings[‘ssba_homepage’] == ‘Y’ && is_front_page())

    $strShareText = $arrSettings[‘ssba_share_text’];

    // post id
    $intPostID = get_the_ID();

    // ssba div
    $htmlShareButtons = ‘<!– Simple Share Buttons Adder (‘.SSBA_VERSION.’) simplesharebuttons.com –><div class=”ssba ssba-wrap”>’;

    // center if set so
    $htmlShareButtons.= ‘<div style=”text-align:’.$arrSettings[‘ssba_align’].'”>’;

    // add custom text if set and set to placement above or left
    if (($strShareText != ”) && ($arrSettings[‘ssba_text_placement’] == ‘above’ || $arrSettings[‘ssba_text_placement’] == ‘left’)) {

    // check if user has left share link box checked
    if ($arrSettings[‘ssba_link_to_ssb’] == ‘Y’) {

    // share text with link
    $htmlShareButtons .= ‘‘ . $strShareText . ‘‘;


    // just display the share text
    else {

    // share text
    $htmlShareButtons .= $strShareText;


    // add a line break if set to above
    ($arrSettings[‘ssba_text_placement’] == ‘above’ ? $htmlShareButtons .= ‘<br/>’ : NULL);


    // use wordpress functions for page/post details
    $urlCurrentPage = get_permalink($post->ID);
    $strPageTitle = get_the_title($post->ID);

    // strip any unwanted tags from the page title
    $strPageTitle = esc_attr(strip_tags($strPageTitle));

    // the buttons!
    $htmlShareButtons.= get_share_buttons($arrSettings, $urlCurrentPage, $strPageTitle, $intPostID);

    // add custom text if set and set to placement right or below
    if (($strShareText != ”) && ($arrSettings[‘ssba_text_placement’] == ‘right’ || $arrSettings[‘ssba_text_placement’] ==’below’)) {

    // add a line break if set to above
    ($arrSettings[‘ssba_text_placement’] == ‘below’ ? $htmlShareButtons .= ‘<br/>’ : NULL);

    // check if user has checked share link option
    if ($arrSettings[‘ssba_link_to_ssb’] == ‘Y’) {

    // share text with link
    $htmlShareButtons .= ‘‘ . $strShareText . ‘‘;


    // just display the share text
    else {

    // share text
    $htmlShareButtons .= $strShareText;



    // close center if set
    $htmlShareButtons.= ‘</div>’;
    $htmlShareButtons.= ‘</div>’;

    $htmlContent = $htmlShareButtons;

    // display share buttons
    echo $htmlContent;



    3. modify the function show_share_buttons to do nothing for archive/category pages – changes go right after settings are fetched.

    // get sbba settings
    $arrSettings = get_ssba_settings();

    // added @ v6.3.4 to separate excerpts/archives functionality
    if ((is_category() || is_archive() || is_front_page()) && !isset($arrSettings[‘ssba_excerpts’])) return $content;

    // modified @ v6.3.4 to separate excerpts/archives functionality
    // placement on pages/posts/categories/archives/homepage
    if ((!is_home() && !is_front_page() && is_page() && $arrSettings[‘ssba_pages’] == ‘Y’)
    || (is_single() && $arrSettings[‘ssba_posts’] == ‘Y’)
    || (is_front_page() && $arrSettings[‘ssba_homepage’] == ‘Y’)
    || ($arrSettings[‘ssba_excerpts’] == ‘Y’ && !is_page() && !is_single())
    || $booShortCode == TRUE)

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