• After about 4hrs of mine spend reaching out, to live chat who referred me to a support team who passed on info to the development team, I get a half baked reply back telling me to use filters.

    Why? Because my clients WooCommerce store enters product prices excluding GST (tax). In my opinion this is normal. The tax obviously shows on the front end product page as I’ve set a tax rate in WooCommerce.

    Google Merchant Centre is failing my previously live shopping ads with the following error: Mismatched value (page crawl) [price]

    It isn’t happy that I’m entering the price excluding tax, and the front end is showing the product price with tax.

    The support team here first suggested I go through all 150 products of mine and change the prices so they are entered inclusive of tax!! Really? Is that how most stores are run? I don’t think so. And disrupt my clients store? No thanks!

    So the developer got back to one of the support staff and told me to add filters to fudge the price:

    “You could add the filters woocommerce_gla_product_attribute_value_sale_price & woocommerce_gla_product_attribute_value_price to override the price manually.
    The price with taxes could be returned with the wc_get_price_including_tax.”

    So bottom line: If your store uses prices entered ex GST/tax this plugin won’t work without expensive developer input.

    This has lost me a client, and very much stings. I’ve built my career around WooCommerce, so I hope this one plugin is the exception. Either terrible support, terrible developers, or both. Stay clear.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by mattystrya.
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