• Hi,

    is it pissible to connect countrytext and phonetext? If I select a country, the right country-phone-number is selected?

    Or is it possible to add the country-Code to the value of phonetext, like “de +49”?

    Best Regards,


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  • tillamook


    I was also looking for this feature but couldn’t find it.

    It seems to me that a standard use case would be to have the flag picker ahead of the phone number input field, and then have two pieces of information available to the developer, concatenated or concatenatable, for use in the summary of the form output, and for use as a mail tag.

    For example, I want to be able to pick, say, the US flag, enter a number, say 2125551212, and have the output available in the summary and mail tag as +12125551212

    The plugin as coded does not seem to offer this functionality. Or am I missing something?

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