• Is there a way to auto-populate the tag it field with the tags that are in the built-in wordpress tag system?

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  • Thread Starter robbiegod


    Do you still support this plugin?

    Hey Robbie –

    I’m not the developer of this plugin (although I’ve been considering forking it to a new plugin, if the author is no longer supporting it) – but I believe if you export the ACF definitions to PHP, and then write some PHP code to “auto-populate” the tag it field as you wish from the WordPress default tags, it should work the way you want.

    Basically, it’d be similar to the solution I mentioned on this thread (at the bottom):


    Hope that helps!


    Thread Starter robbiegod


    I may have figured out why this plugin is not updated anymore.

    I added the Taxonomy field, set the option to post_tag, then set the options to multiselect, don’t allow users to add tags, load post tags, and connect tags to the post.

    This pretty much works the way I want it too. It is not exact because there isnt exactly a search box with autocomplete, but typing in the field will filter the results. So that works close enough.

    This is after I built my own version of the tag field, that populates the tags from wordpress and updates them as well. I’m not sure how i missed the taxonomy field though. I thought I tried the field to see if it would work. It looks exactly like the field I made, so i am probably just going to use it.

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