I fixed my issue by reverting back to 3.9.2.
When you updated to wordpress, wordpress updates all the files in your intallation folder. In my case, my site is installed on a wamp folder under /www.
In this folder I have everything I need for my site. However, the only files that get updated specifically for my installation are everything in the:
wp-contents, .htaccess, wp-config.php.
The goal is to delete all the wordpress 4.0 files and replace them with 3.9.2.
FIRST BACK UP YOUR WWW folder. COPY and paste it into another location for safety. Also, goto your myPHPadmin and back up your database by exporting it.
Now you want to delete everything except the 3 files I listed above. At this point you should only have 3 files in your www folder or your installation folder. these are:
wp-contents – this is a folder which contains all your themes and files
.htaccess – This is a file
wp-config.php -This is a file
Now you are ready to download wordpress 3.9.2 and copy paste the files into your www folder.
What you can do, is download wordpress 3.9.2 from wordpress archive which you can do here: https://www.ads-software.com/wordpress-3.9.2.zip
Unzip it.
In the unziped file you will see all the wordpress documents. 3 folders and a bunch of other files.
In this folder delete wp-contents folder. Because this an empty wordpress installation and you dont need this.
Copy everything else that is left into your www folder or your site folder.
Once you do the above, when you goto your localhost it should say your database needs updating, click update which takes like 2 seconds. The reason it asks for updating is because your phpdatabase was updated to wodpress 4. But since you removed wordpress 4 files and replaced them with 3.9.2 your database wants to correct this as well.
when you do the above everything should work. I know the above looks complicated but all you’re really doing is deleting wordpress 4 and replacing it with 3.9.2 and that’s. Hope that helps.