Hey @gareth7923,
Apologies for the delayed response.
I’ve had a quick look and this does get complicated and having two plugins modifying the authentication workflow is always going to have the potential for bugs going forward, even if you get it working now.
This is because External Login and UM (Ultimate Member) both seem to hook into WordPress’ authentication filter. In UM:
– add_filter( 'authenticate', 'um_wp_form_errors_hook_ip_test', 10, 3 );
– add_filter( 'authenticate', 'um_wp_form_errors_hook_logincheck', 50, 3 );
In External Login:
– add_filter('authenticate', 'exlog_auth', 10, 3);
The problems start coming because:
– The prioritisation between plugins can cause issues, both plugins hook in at a priority of 10 – which goes first?
– If one changed their priority is that going to break functionality for other users?
– External Login relies on disconnecting the standard WordPress tie in to this hook to prevent logging in with the local WordPress user in certain setting flows, it may also need to cancel login flows with this plugin – I’m not sure what it does when it filters.
For this reason it becomes a very customised job. You would need to pay a developer to do this work for you. You would then also want to carefully monitor changes to either plugin to ensure no future releases cause future bugs.
I’m happy to discuss adding additional hooks / actions that would help with this integration work if you have someone that could advise what would be useful.
Essentially it would need to fire the exlog_auth
function on filtering the front end login flow.
I’m going to mark this as resolved as compatibility between plugins is outside of the scope of this support but I’m more than happy that you continue to ask questions and I’ll do my best to answer ??