• Hello there,
    It looks like the plugin generate some errors in the logs.
    I get something like:

    PHP message: [Cloudflare] ERROR: Bad Request 
    PHP message: [Cloudflare] ERROR: [CLIENT API] Array
        [type] => request
        [path] => https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/zones/ID/purge_cache
        [timeout] => 30
        [method] => DELETE
        [headers] => Array
                [X-Auth-Key] => key
                [X-Auth-Email] => email
                [Content-Type] => application/json
        [body] => {"files":[...]

    I have seen this thread: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/constant-bad-requests/
    I have the latest code shown, but still I get those errors.
    Please help.

Viewing 4 replies - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • Hi @atx,

    This is caused by automatic cache management feature.

    Do you have the latest version of the plugin?
    Does the issue continue?

    If the answer is yes for both questions, I’ll need more information to understand the problem better

    Could you provide the files inside

    [body] => {"files":[...]

    Feel free to strip the domain. I only need the part after the TLD such as “.com”




    Having the same issue here, have latest plugin and issue has persisted. It seems to be related to server timeout settings. I was receiving 404’s/timeouts as I was updating a post or updating a menu. I deactivated cloudflare, things worked great. reactivated which prompted for a new login, auto cache off, works great. Increased timeout to 45 secs, reactivate auto cache, slow but better.

    [08-Nov-2017 22:39:07 UTC] [Cloudflare] ERROR: [CLIENT API] Array
        [type] => request
        [path] => https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/zones/562acb5ce660efaa60bd58e05906f54b/purge_cache
        [timeout] => 30
        [method] => DELETE
        [headers] => Array
                [X-Auth-Key] => 6d46c1b1493dea92d4cf40f372bb71a26604a
                [X-Auth-Email] => [email protected]
                [Content-Type] => application/json
        [body] => {"files":["https:\/\/redacted.com\/?taxonomy=nav_menu&term=primary","https:\/\/redacted.com\/author\/redact\/","https:\/\/redacted.com\/author\/redact\/feed\/","https:\/\/redacted.com\/59\/","https:\/\/redacted.com\/feed\/rdf\/","https:\/\/redacted.com\/feed\/rss\/","https:\/\/redacted.com\/feed\/","https:\/\/redacted.com\/feed\/atom\/","https:\/\/redacted.com\/comments\/feed\/","https:\/\/redacted.com\/59\/feed\/","https:\/\/redacted.com\/","https:\/\/redacted.com\/news-from-the-farm\/","http:\/\/redacted.com\/?taxonomy=nav_menu&term=primary","http:\/\/redacted.com\/author\/redact\/","http:\/\/redacted.com\/author\/redact\/feed\/","http:\/\/redacted.com\/59\/","http:\/\/redacted.com\/feed\/rdf\/","http:\/\/redacted.com\/feed\/rss\/","http:\/\/redacted.com\/feed\/","http:\/\/redacted.com\/feed\/atom\/","http:\/\/redacted.com\/comments\/feed\/","http:\/\/redacted.com\/59\/feed\/","http:\/\/redacted.com\/","http:\/\/redacted.com\/news-from-the-farm\/"],"cfCSRFToken":null}
    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by James Huff.
    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by Marty.


    Any hope for a fix for this? @jwineman @furkan811

    Seems auto cache is currently unusable otherwise.


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Marty.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Marty.
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