• hello! great plugin!!,

    i have a problem, when it is executed it increases the consumption of resources and until I deactivate the plugin the site is not back online, then I check the log and find the following, can you give me paid support?

    [14-Jul-2022 13:16:14 UTC] Error MySQL server has gone away de la base de datos de WordPress para la consulta SELECT a.action_id FROM wpim_actionscheduler_actions a WHERE 1=1 AND a.hook=’woo_cao_cron’ AND a.status IN (‘pending’) ORDER BY a.scheduled_date_gmt ASC LIMIT 0, 1 realizada por require(‘wp-blog-header.php’), require_once(‘wp-load.php’), require_once(‘wp-config.php’), require_once(‘wp-settings.php’), do_action(‘wp_loaded’), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, RVOLA\WOO\CAO\WP::instance, RVOLA\WOO\CAO\WP->__construct, RVOLA\WOO\CAO\CAO->__construct, RVOLA\WOO\CAO\CAO->add_event_cron, as_next_scheduled_action, ActionScheduler_Store->query_action, ActionScheduler_DBStore->query_actions

Viewing 11 replies - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)
  • Plugin Author RVOLA


    Hello @acuciantedesign
    Sorry for the late reply, I was away.

    First, let’s do a quick diagnosis:
    Do you have a lot of pending task in action-scheduler?
    To see this figure: WooCommerce > Status > Scheduled Actions

    Are you using a cron other than WordPress or have you disabled it?

    Do you have a lot of orders to cancel?

    Thread Starter acuciantedesign


    No problem!

    1) Action Status Count
    Complete 566,649
    Pending 1,234

    2) don’t have cronjobs

    3) order can be 10 to 100 for cancel during 2 days, total of order 1000

    thanks you for any help

    Plugin Author RVOLA


    looking at the numbers, everything seems low enough to have a crash.

    How many woocao tasks do you have in action scheduler?

    Thread Starter acuciantedesign


    only 9, the rest are from other plugins like rankmath

    Plugin Author RVOLA


    it is not normal. It should only have one woocao.
    Click cancel to cancel all woocao. Normally it should create only 1.

    Thread Starter acuciantedesign


    ready, delete all pending and only 1 recurring was created every hour

    I leave the plugin active to see how it works

    I see I have too activated inventory management from woocommerce > settings > products > inventory
    does it affect anything?

    Plugin Author RVOLA


    perfect !
    there shouldn’t be any more runaway.

    If you have more woocao something may get stuck and leave the server waiting indefinitely. This can come from the cron or from an extension…

    For stock management, the WOOCAO plugin will automatically restock through WooCommerce if the order includes an item with stock management.

    Thread Starter acuciantedesign


    excellent in a few days I’ll tell you thank you very much do you have your paypal active correct?

    Plugin Author RVOLA


    Yes with pleasure !
    Paypal link is still ok : https://www.paypal.me/rvola

    Thread Starter acuciantedesign


    you send, in a few days I’ll tell you if it was resolved, thanks!

    Plugin Author RVOLA


    Thank you very much ??

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