Hi there Admin
I am a recent graduate starting a branding agency in Durban, South Africa and am currently designing my site from scratch.
I have the latest version of Accesspress Parallax (1.23.4) and I’m actually having the same issue as Rikwebmasters above.
ie: When posting (say) a testimonial … you’re meant to Add New Post, Set Featured Image, select the Testimonials category I created, then hit Publish. That way, the testimonial will appear in the Testimonials section with the client’s photo set in the preset layout for that section.
However, what it IS doing, is creating a post and then putting that post into EVERY section – when I clearly just ticked the Testimonials category! What that means is that instead of having just a testimonial, that post is being displayed under the Meet the Team, Services, Portfolio and Blog sections too. This is clearly wrong because I mean … how can a Testimonial be a Blog post, or a Team member or a Service? :/
I need to know how to link a category to only ONE specific section each so that when I post to the relevant category alone, it only displays under THAT section.
my website is https://www.kaviar.co.za