• pridedepot


    I have a number of elements in my contact form however the answer to check boxes and text fields are not capturing the sections or data in the email sent by the form.

    The only information that seems to be captured is the message text. Not the name, email, etc…

    I am wanting to collect several pieces of custom information and I used the tag generator. Am I missing something or is this broken?

    Here is the link to my form: https://idahoansforfairness.org/?page_id=66


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  • digitz


    Nothing to it. Just insert the custom fields in the form results dedign section as follows:


    fieldname is the name of the custom field in brackets. Just insert all the needed custom tags and hit SAVE.

    Good luck.

    Tried that and it didnt work.
    It just emails the exact thing I typed….
    This is the email I got

    [your-message] [text* Your Name] [email* Your Email] [checkbox* Club exclusive “Copic 36A” “Copic 36B” “Copic 36C” “Copic 36D” “First Available”] [textarea Notes]

    Went back and cleaned up my coding…worked fine.
    sorry about above post.

    I’m still not getting content from the form. Here’s what I have in the code:

    <p>First Name (required)
    [text* first-name] </p>

    <p>Last Name (required)
    [text* last-name] </p>

    <p>Address 1 (required)
    [text* address1] </p>

    <p>Address 2
    [text* address2] </p>

    <p>City (required)
    [text* City] </p>

    <p>State (required)
    [select* State “NY” “CT”]</p>

    <p>Zip Code (required)
    [text* Zip] </p>

    <p>Phone 1 (required)
    [text* Phone1] </p>

    <p>Phone 2
    [text Phone2]</p>

    <p>Your Email (required)
    [email* your-email]</p>

    <p>Property Type (required)
    [select* propertyType include_blank “Residential” “Commercial” “Homeowner’s Association” “Kennel” “Dog Park” “Other”]</p>

    <p>Approximate Size of Property (required)
    [select* propertySize include_blank “? acre” “? acre” “1 acre” “1 ? acres” “2 acres or more”]</p>

    <p>Frequency of Service (required)
    [select* frequency include_blank “Daily” “Once A Week” “Twice A Week” “Every Other Week” “Monthly” “Initial/Spring Cleaning” “Other”]</p>

    <p>Number of Dogs (required)
    [select* noDogs include_blank “1” “2” “3” “4” “5 or more”]</p>

    How Did You Hear About Us?(required)
    [select* Source include_blank “Referral” “Internet Search” “Mailer/Flyer” “Newspaper/Magazine Article” “Printed Ad” “TV/Radio Ad” “Saw One Of Your Trucks”]</p>

    <p>Coupon/Discount Code
    [text Coupon] </p>

    [textarea comments] </p>

    <p>[submit “Send”]</p>

    In the message body I am using: [your-message]

    I get the message, but the message is showing [your-name] as the sender and [your-message] in the body of the email.

    I can’t see what’s wrong. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    I think I figured this one out…

    In the “Mail” section, you need to put information in there – this is the output of the mail that will be sent to you, your client, whomever, etc..

    In the “Message Body” section I originally had:

    Message From:
    [text* your-name]
    Telephone Number
    [text telephone-number]
    Email Address
    [email* your-email]
    [text* project-objectives]
    [textarea* your-message]

    All I ended up getting what just the code sent to me in an email….

    So I changed the code to:

    <p>Message From:<br />
        [your-name] </p>
    <p>Telephone Number<br />
    <p>Email Address<br />
        [your-email] </p>
    <p>Subject:*<br />
        [project-objectives] </p>
    <p>Message:*<br />
        [your-message] </p>

    Now it works fine for me.

    – Jim

    I feel like I just delivered another baby!

    Here’s what I’ve learned, with a big push in the right direction from Jim. Thank you!!

    In the form section you place your html/generated code. For example:

    <p>First Name: * [text* FirstName]</p>

    <p>Last Name: * [text* LastName]</p>

    <p>Address 1: * [text* Address1]</p>

    This will provide the markup for the page.

    In the mail section you add the code that will pull the information from the form and send it to you. Here again:

    First Name: [FirstName]
    Last Name: [LastName]
    Address 1: [Address1]

    I added the stuff outside the brackets to make things easier to read in the email.

    I hope this helps other newbies!

    These solutions above only deal with text. What about checkbox and drop-down menu data? I’m having a tough time getting that data to be sent with the email properly. I hope somebody has a solution out there.


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