Ok. I have some suggested solutions for everyone!
I talked to my forms guy, Matthew Muro at VFBPro, who has been wonderful if anyone is interested in using his forms instead. His support has always been great, helping me to solve problems until they’re fixed. See below for his suggestions. I didn’t actually need to do this because we determined the theme, Cleanmate, needed the updated theme. The theme was from Envato, and my client’s original website designer was the holder of the license. So I had her purchase the theme again (yup – a pain). Once purchased, we messaged the developer for support, who sent us the updated theme. I threw the current theme into a folder name cleanmate-old, unzipped the file the developer sent, and then ftp’d the new theme up (leaving the child cleanmate theme untouched). Activated the new Cleanmate theme, and voila, all was working once again. Forms worked, images worked, gallery worked.
Matthew Muro’s suggestion for Cleanmate theme if the theme update had not worked:
The problem is indeed with that function. Go to Appearance > Theme Editor and click on the functions.php file. Scroll down to line 267 to find the following line: add_action(‘phpmailer_init’, ‘cm_phpmailer_init’);
Add slashes in the front to comment it out and save your changes: // add_action(‘phpmailer_init’, ‘cm_phpmailer_init’);
That should correct the problem.
Another option would be to actually correct the function. On line 309 you will find the start of the function. Change it from: function cm_phpmailer_init(PHPMailer $mail) to function cm_phpmailer_init($mail)
Hope this helps!