• Ok I just installed flamingo it’s catching the form data ok
    But email is not sending data results.

    Trying to fix this first
    1. My server is using php7.2 worked ok then asked server to upgrade to php 7.4
    Contact form 7 is not sending email can this be a issue. Flamingo is catching the data ok but this is not ideaL until there is a fix
    2. I recently enabled https so my website no longer displays not secure but the pad lock symbol. Could this be related to sending emails from contact form 7

    What other reasons could contact form 7 fail to send emails?

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  • Plugin Author Takayuki Miyoshi


    Where can we see the website in question?

    Thread Starter phpnukes


    Unfortunately I deleted the plug in and lost all the data. In the middle of trying to restore this plug in the database.
    Have problems with the .Wpress file too large to update database. Somehow need unpack the wpress file or reduce the size. Will be approaching my servers to if they can resolve the file size.

    Thread Starter phpnukes


    I have located my sql back up file via FTP.
    I’m thinking if I can copy the contact form 7 data then upload to restore contact form 7 data. I have scanned the file and located contact form 7 data. Do I just copy to a text file and upload as a sql file to restore contact form 7 data?

    I have not performed this before or not for a long time.

    The SQL file will have table names and data for the contact form is it just copying and paste and then save to a small SQL to restore the tables.

    Any tips to watch out for?

    Thread Starter phpnukes


    Maybe someone can help

    This is what happens when you delete the plugin it looses all the data
    Managed to locate the sql file from back up for this plugin now I need to insert the data back but I need to know. How do I construct before this. The database name and password if needed etc

    INSERT INTOwp_postmeta(meta_id,post_id,meta_key,meta_value`) VALUES
    (1, 2, ‘_wp_page_template’, ‘default’),
    (6, 2, ‘_edit_lock’, ‘1566737564:1’),
    (7, 2, ‘_edit_last’, ‘1’),
    (10, 12, ‘_edit_last’, ‘1’),
    (11, 12, ‘_edit_lock’, ‘1554985332:1’),
    (12, 14, ‘_wp_attached_file’, ‘2017/02/image-e1486304625891.png’),
    (13, 14, ‘_wp_attachment_metadata’, ‘a:5:{s:5:\”width\”;i:700;s:6:\”height\”;i:280;s:4:\”file\”;s:32:\”2017/02/image-e1486304625891.png\”;s:5:\”sizes\”;a:6:{s:9:\”thumbnail\”;a:4:{s:4:\”file\”;s:17:\”image-150×150.png\”;s:5:\”width\”;i:150;s:6:\”height\”;i:150;s:9:\”mime-type\”;s:9:\”image/png\”;}s:6:\”medium\”;a:4:{s:4:\”file\”;s:17:\”image-300×120.png\”;s:5:\”width\”;i:300;s:6:\”height\”;i:120;s:9:\”mime-type\”;s:9:\”image/png\”;}s:12:\”medium_large\”;a:4:


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