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  • M_Bernard


    Repeatedly been to the module, still won’t send. back to forum to double check my over sights. Video by Mr. Ross was great Rose Apple Media, but came up short in the area I may have wrong, e.g. information put into or left off the first form and the last form precisely in the lower Left Mail Area(s) and the Message body(s) of the first form and the last form.

    First Question? (In a five form page,) Does [submit “Next” and [hidden step “1 – 5” get placed any where else in each form other than the Form Body?

    Second Ques. In the_Mail (lower R.) Field, does the (Returning to Us Email address) go into the First Line_Mail To: ? or are those left blank until the Last Form where the email is entered.

    Lastly, in the Additional Setting Field I have almost precisely put this code: on_submit_ok: “http:/ / blah blah next-form blah blah dot com/?page_id= number-of-next-form );” The Last Form, I place a redirecting link pointing visitor back to a page on our website. Additional Setting is under stood.
    What is and is not place in the lower half of previous forms 1, 2, 3 and 4, of a 5 page set?



    Need Clarity. Referencing This Page:

    Under Step 4, second Paragraph Quote

    “”In a contact form, to retrieve fields from previous forms you can use something like [form your-email] where “your-email” is the name of the field from the previous form. This would be useful on the last step where it is confirming all the info from previous forms.””

    The Author understands what he wrote, I need him or anyone to clarify;

    In my Five page Form, Which Pages is it placed on? I find the Mail Field is The Lower Half of the Edit Form. It has lines entitled: To:, From:, Subject:, Additional headers:, File attachments:, Message body:
    But don’t find a “your-email” exactly where do I place [form your-email]

    Can you be specific in a word, ( ) “your-email” is the name of the field didn’t find The field unless you mean; Mail…To: I’m not that brite. The answer will take only a couple words, 1st page? Last Page? precisely what part of the page. Thanks

    Do we have a fix on this?? Very frustrating. It was working completely fine then one day stopped sending. Regular Contact forms work, but multi-step just doesn’t send. I’ve tried changing the from the url to avoid spam filters but still not working.


    See Contact Form 7 Email Issues. There is a link at the bottom of the page to a comprehensive and detailed article which covers many issues. Most people that work through this information appear to be able to resolve their email sending & receiving issues.

    I’d also recommend you use Postman SMTP Mailer/Email Log which includes excellent email debugging.??

    Thanks for the reply. Don’t mean to repeat myself but I tried all of the suggestions in the article, including reaching out to Kaspars Dambis, the author of an article (linked from your article) on how to fix this. He suggested and I believe the issue has to do with the most recent update to the plugin. Wanted to post this to make the authors aware that Contact form multi step isn’t working. Thanks.

    (My site:

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