I found a fix! At least for my problem. I would test the form and never receive the email.
I pulled the below information from https://wiki.dreamhost.com/WordPress
Emails sent out by contact forms should be sent ‘from’ the website with a from email address like <[email protected]>. WordPress should never use the email addresse entered into the form as the ‘from’ address! Since your website is sending the emails, the ‘from’ address should only be one you control and that matches the domain of the website. The email address the site visitor put in the contact form can be put in the Reply-To header, so when you click reply on the email it goes to them. This is related to a mail policy change DreamHost announced in April 2012.
This is an example of a smart way to send out emails from a contact form:
From: Site Visitor <[email protected]>
Reply-To: Site Visitor <[email protected]>
To: Admin <[email protected]>
Subject: Contact Form Submission
Contact Form 7
Contact Form 7 is an example of a contact form plugin that lets you completely control the emails it sends, right in the WordPress admin panel. You can use it to send emails out with the name of the site visitor an a site admin’s email address:
From: [your-name] <[email protected]>
You can also setup the Reply-To header so that replies to these emails will go directly to the site visitor:
Reply-To: [your-name] <[your-email]>
More detailed steps at https://savorywatt.com/2012/10/10/fix-contact-form-7-not-working-with-dreamhost/
Here is what I did,
Inside Form:
[text* your-name] </p>
[email* your-email] </p>
[textarea your-message] </p>
<p>[submit “Send the message”]</p>
Inside Mail:
To: (the email address I want the message to go to)
From: [your-name] <[your-email]>
Subject: [your-name] sent you a message from (my website)
Additional Headers:
From: Site Visitor <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [your-name] <[your-email]>
Subject: [your-name] sent you a message from FAQ
From: [your-name] <[your-email]>
Message Body:
This mail is sent via contact form on (website name) https://www.websiteurl.com
The results were I received the email, the Reply To allows me to click reply and it inserts the visitors email address for me.
I think the main issue is, it won’t let you send the email from the actual visitors email address. So you have to put in a relative one you can work with. I tested with different variations under the From: in the Additional Headers: all to no avail. It likes a non-legitimate email address and any other name you like to put in there like “Site Visitor”. I still haven’t figured out a good name for the visitor. Site visitor just seems not good to me.
Anyways, I hope this helps!