Contact Form 7 not working
I’m on WordPress 3.0.4.
On Contact Form 7 version 2.4.3.
When a user is on my site…
they fill out the form, it goes to…
user gets the success message.The email goes nowhere. I get nothing. Have not gotten any successful contact e-mails since yesterday (wednesday) at 3:27 pm.
I’ve scanned the FAQ, read 20+ forum posts. Can’t find an answer. I’m not a techie. How can I get this fixed???? help!
Any word on the status of this beast? I’ve got a couple clients on hold with their contact forms and are wondering when I can put the form back up.
Thanks again, rjdougan.
Nothing new to report. Was on the phone with them this morning giving them more information on tests from yesterday that have not been delivered. The ticket is at the Advance Tech Support level at GoDaddy and they are still reviewing.
What I did find out today is that if you try to use one of the SMTP plugins like Configure SMTP or WP-Mail-SMTP you still have to go through “” which is the SMTP connection that is not playing well with WordPress. I tried to bypass the GoDaddy SMTP and use Google – and it errors. GoDaddy has it block so all mail that is generated from their hosted sites have to go through their SMTP.
If you start to look for other hosts one thing I would recommend is find one that allows you to to use an external SMTP like Google for mail delivery, otherwise you could be faced with the same issue.
I will update as I hear back from GoDaddy.
Hi all–
just checkin in. i’ve got a few clients who are VERY close to leaving godaddy over this… any word?
and just a poll to the group… i’ve recommended MediaTemple as their new host since I’ve worked with them before and have enjoyed their backend admin section (way better than the clusterf*** that godaddy calls a UI) but wanted to check and see if anyone had any reservations about MT or others to recommend. I’ve hosted a few WP sites on MT and haven’t had any reports of weird email issues using CF7 but…
thanks again.
Media Temple is great. I haven’t used CF7 on there though, so I can’t comment.
I have used CF7 on sites that are hosted at 1&1, and haven’t run into any problems over there.
I got fed up with godaddy and left last week. I’m with a small, regional host and the service and speed is much better. I no longer have issues with the contact forms, plus they come thru in about 1 minutes instead of 10+ minutes.
The backlog – queue has been cleared out. Here is the final response from GoDaddy.
“At the time of your initial request, we were experiencing delays with the sending of messages through your hosting account, however, this issue has been addressed and the mail is no longer queuing. To verify this, we have sent a test script using your hosting account and received the message within 10 minutes, which is an acceptable delay.
At this time, we suggest that you review your scripting and test the response using an email address hosted with Go Daddy. If you are experiencing issues using, you may try using the PHP mail() function as many WordPress plug-ins support both options. We appreciate your patience and understanding in this matter.”
I have done some testing and it looks like everything is arriving in a couple of minutes . Good luck to those of you that are still with GoDaddy.
Hi people, not sure if you’re still looking at this thread but I have godaddy/linux economy and have tried several forms as well.
I have tested the form at least 15 times. The ONLY times it worked were when I used the address from my work, which is The other times I used gmail, and NO messages from gmail were ever received.
Maybe godaddy or wordpress is not letting gmail forms through because it’s labeling them as spam?
To be clear, I’m talking about the email address you put in when testing the form, not the one linked to your site.
Has anyone else had this problem?
Hi Shockley – many of us have tried getting the form to send to alternate email addresses. Personally, I’ve tried sending to the client’s email (which is hosted at GoDaddy), my email (which is hosted at 1&1), Hotmail, and Gmail. I’ve been having the same issues, no matter which email the form is sending to.
And for me at least, at the end of the day, it’s a moot point. The contact form MUST email my client at their address. I can’t change that.
Hi all–
so after rjdougan said that godaddy had “fixed” the issue, i reinstated the form on the client’s website and we did some testing. apart from having about a 30 minute delay on emails, it looked like they were coming thru normally.
that is, until earlier this week when they started getting lost into the abyss again. 2 undelivered. and these email forms are how the client actually gets 80% of their new business. client is furious and understandably as while the form was “gold” for them when it worked, not working means they’re losing customers and don’t even know that they are.
i made the switch to mediatemple for my own domains a few weeks ago and we’re going to move a copy of client’s site onto my server to test email sending capacity but from other sites i’ve tested on mediatemple, emails come in from contactform7 in under 2 minutes. reliably. i’ll post back up here if anyone is interested in tests with CF7 and mediatemple.
so… sorry, godaddy, but this seems to be the end of the road for us. not to mention that shitshow of a website where it takes 3 clicks after loggin in to access my admin panel.
I stopped using Contact 7 and started to use Custom Contact Forms plug-in, it records to the database all form submissions so even when you don’t get the form delivered via email you can access the content of the submission via your WordPress admin panel.
As for GoDaddy – I have moved my site after everything was work well and delivery was timely I had another non-delivery occur (confirmed via what was recorded by this different plug-in). The proverbial – “straw that broke the camels back” I did not want to spend anymore time fighting with GoDaddy over this issue.
Good lick to all. Out
Hi all.
I am so relieved and yet still so pissed off about this whole GoDaddy issue. I just read (literally) all 86 posts here and it was like dejavu.
Everything described is exactly what I’ve been going through for the past two months with GoDaddy. Emails just disappearing from form submissions. Parts of multi-part form submissions showing up but not others. Severe delays in the mail being sent. Etc. etc. etc..
GoDaddy needs to get this problem fixed. Period. They’re making boatloads of money from their hosting clients. There’s no excuse to have some weird, proprietary configuration in their servers that screws things up like this.
Not one other person that I’ve spoken with has any problems at all with their WordPress / Contact Form 7 installations on other hosts.
What truly sucks is that even if I pull our business, my personal clients, and my own sites from GoDaddy (over a dozen sites total), they won’t even care. Somebody else will come in and fill the void.
I’m going to try rjdougan’s suggestion of using the Custom Contact Forms plugin so I can at least get data written to our database. Next step: tell GoDaddy they can suck it and move all of my clients off of their hosting farm.
I’m the guy that started this particular thread. I wasn’t finding any answers in some other, similar threads at the time.
About 2 weeks ago I pulled the plug on GoDaddy. After multiple attempts on phone calls, e-mails, online chat support, etc… I realized that:
1) they won’t admit to having an issue
2) they blamed my code for the issue
3) they are trained to keep telling us how big, bad and awesome they are
4) they would not listen to me when I tried explaining that 100s of other people are having the SAME issue, so it must be more than just a freaky coincidence
So, I bagged them and went to a smaller, more personable, more engaging hosting guy at
So far so good. No issues. Much better performance. Much better service.So, if you are using WordPress, Contact Form 7 and hosting on GoDaddy, I suggest you change your host.
Have a great weekend!
Thanks for the follow up, bulldogs1991CJ.
After reading the user comments on the Custom Contact Forms plugin, I wouldn’t go near it with a 10′ pole. It sounds like it’s an absolute nightmare, riddled with bugs.
Guess it’s time to start the migration plan from GoDaddy to a different hosting company.
Wow, I can’t believe the trouble…
I’ve been on godaddy for 4 years, I use cforms for multiple forms on multiple sites, and CF7 on my newest site
They all work flawlessly…. Never a glitch
I have no additional plugins installed like smtp or anything.
Wonder what is different? Are you all on the economy hosting? I am on the unlimited, but I would hope that wouldn’t matter…..
FWIW: I’ve had decent luck with MediaTemple in the tests that I’ve run. Anyone else have opinions? I need to find a host to recommend to clients leaving godaddy. There’s also a coupon code for MT hosting that brings it down to about $16/mo (retailmenot)… Figured for a better backend, more responsive support and less of a nightmare user interface for actually managing sites, seems like a decent switch.
Most of my clients would shy away from boutique hosting companies so out of the “big guys” MT seems to be an alright choice.
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