• derekgta


    In email responses some customer fields are filled with title of field. Ex:

    Package: [CorporatePackage]
    Number of Participants: [NumberofParticipants]
    Preferred Date: [PreferredDate]

    Form was working properly up until a few days ago. It’s not a case of customers leaving fields blank because some of these fields are required to submit form.

    Using version 4.7
    Theme: Impreza

    This is currently the text I’m using for the plugin:
    <p>*Your Name<br />
    [text* your-name] </p>

    <p>*Company Name<br />
    [text* company-name] </p>

    <p>*Your Email<br />
    [email* your-email] </p>

    <p>*Phone Number<br />
    [tel* tel-637 placeholder “000-000-0000”]

    <p>How did you hear about us?<br />
    [select howdidyouhearaboutus “Google Search” “Google Ad” “Facebook Ad” “Direct Email” “BlogTO” “HRPA Today” “Referral” “Other”]

    <p>Corporate Package<br />
    [select* corporatepackage “Composition” “Phoneography” “Travel Photography” “Manual Mode” “Food Photography” “Night Photography” “Lunch & Learn” “Custom”]

    <p>Number of Participants<br />
    [number numberofparticipants min:1 max:300 placeholder “10”]

    <p>*1st Preferred Date<br />
    [date preferreddate]
    <p>2nd Preferred Date<br />
    [date preferreddate]
    <p>*Time<br />
    [text time placeholder "0:00 AM/PM - 0:00 AM/PM"]

    <p>*Location<br />
    [radio location default:1 “Our Location (Adelaide & Yonge)” “Other Location”]
    Other Location Details<br />
    [textarea locationdetails placeholder “Address, city, room details…”]

    <p>Extra Options:<br />
    [checkbox extrafeatures “Add Loaner Cameras” “Add 1 Hour Field Trip” “Add 1 Hour Team Building”]

    <p>Comments<br />
    [textarea comments placeholder “If you’re interested in a Custom package please tell us more about what you’d like your event to look like…”]

    <p>[submit “Send”]</p>

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