I’ve made a test with two different domains, one is dev.mysite.com and the other is https://www.mysite.com. These domains are on the same server, use the same varsion of WP (5.3) and of CF7 (5.7.1), I set two different pairs of reCAPTCHA V3 Keys, one pair for https://www.mysite.com and one pair for dev.mysite.com. I follow strictly the configuration steps in CF7 for both sites and then I check the sites. I get these results in different browser, OK when the filled form is submit properly, KO when it is marked as a spam message with the orange frame at the bottom.
This is the check:
Chrome OK
Firefox KO ()
Explorer OK
Chrome KO
Firefox KO
Explorer KO
Have you experienced the cross-browser compliance? Can anyone suggest some investigation to do on this different domains?