Contact Form 7.44 update Sucks and Forms no longer work.
Very Frustrating. All my forms worked perfectly. After the Contact Form7 4.4 update no forms will send and I get an error message:Failed to send your message. Please try later or contact the administrator by another method..
I’m not a coder. I’m a musician. This update is losing me money!
I followed the instructions here: NOPE.
Tried many many variations. The developer’s notes sure seem like he is pretty much clueless on this issue. He should release the OLD plug-in again while he tests the new code.I tried creating a form from scratch using the following code from Buzzcodes post… didn’t work form me either.
<p>Your Name (required) [text* your-name] </p> <p>Your Email (required) [email* your-email] </p> <p>Subject (required) [text* your-subject] </p> <p>Your Message [textarea your-message] </p> <p>[submit "Send"]</p> <strong>Mail </strong> To: [your name] <[your email]> From: Subject: [your subject] Additional Headers: Reply-to: [your email]
Has anyone been able to resolve this issue? Can anyone post the format exactly as is should be in simple terms for a newbie coder please? I’d appreciate the help. KEV
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