Contact form not working as expected in popup.
I’m having an issue with your contact form in a popup that I made, for some reason when the popup shows I fill in my email click download and it’s supposed to redirect me on sent ok, but instead its fires out and redirects me back to the homepage.
I used the
<?php echo do_shortcode( '[contact-form-7 id="1101" title="Popup Banner"]'); ?>
like you advised in your docs.and the only js running the popup is
jQuery( function($){ $( document ).ready(function() { console.log( "ready!" ); $('a#popup').click( function(){ $('#form_overlay').fadeIn(); }); $('#closeBtn').click( function(){ $('#form_overlay').fadeOut(); }); $('input.wpcf7-email').focus(function(){ $(this).removeAttr('value'); }); }); });
so not quite sure why its not working, I’ve put the form on a test page and that works fine, it shows me the status, but it doesn’t show me the status on the popup do I need to add a status div or something.
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