Contact Form Sender Not Receiving Mail 2 Email Response
Created a page where sender should receive an email after completing the form. I checked the short form and tested but not sure why sender is not receiving any email.
Please check below if I missed anything:
<p>[acceptance WaiverAcceptance] I have read and executed this document with full knowledge of its legal significance.</p><p>Authorized Signature * (Enter your FULL NAME as your e-signature)
[text* Signed 35/]</p><p>[textarea* WaiverNameOfChildren 35×3] Enter Name(s) Of Participating Child/ren *
<p>[email* your-email 35/ placeholder “Enter Your Best Email”] Enter email to receive confirmation & further VBS instructions. *
<p><center>[submit “>>>>>>> SUBMIT WAIVER FORM >>>>>>”]</center>
<center><b>NOTE: Be sure to check the tick box to accept waiver terms in order to activate submit button.</b></center></p>
LINK TO THE FORM PAGE–> greatly appreciate soonest your help on this please.
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